Liam's First Day Of School!

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*Hope you guys like this one! :) ~Bree*

Today is the day! Today is Liam's first day of kindergarten! Scott and Mitch are up extra early to get ready for this special day! Esther is staying with Hudson at the house, so Scott and Mitch can spend quality time with Liam on his special day.

Mitch and Scott get dressed and are downstairs. Liam walks down the steps yawning. "Good morning, big boy! Are excited for school today?" Scott asks Liam and Liam nods. Liam is not a morning person, just like Mitch. Mitch begins to make Liam some pancakes. "I get to see my friends!" Liam says happily. "Yes buddy, you get to see all your friends from preschool!  And you get to see your teacher Mrs. Adkins, remember we met her last week?" Mitch says cleaning up the dishes. "Yeah! I am excited Daddy and Papa!" Liam says with a grin.

Scott helps Liam get dressed. Liam decides to wear purple and black plaid shirt, with black skinny jeans and bright blue shoes. Scott spikes Liam's dark brown hair into a little mohawk. "You like your hair, buddy?" Scott asks. "Yes Papa! Thank you!" Liam says as he walks down the steps. "Look at my handsome little man! You look so cute, Liam!" Mitch says to Liam. Liam puts his school supplies in his My Little Pony Rainbow Dash backpack. "Papa! Daddy! You found the backpack I liked!" Liam says as he smiles at his parents.

"Papa went all over the place looking for that book bag for you." Mitch says as he kisses Liam's cheek. "Thank you, Papa!" Liam says hugging Scott. "You're welcome buddy." Scott says kissing Liam's cheek. Esther comes down with Hudson in her arms. "Look how adorable you look Liam! Have a great day at school!" Esther says with a bit smile. Hudson is still half asleep. Liam hugs Esther and grins at her.

Liam takes a few "First Day of School" pictures. One with his brother Hudson and one with his parents. "Huddy, you get to hang out with Auntie Esther today!" Scott says with a smile. Scott, Mitch and Liam hug Esther and Hudson and head to the car. Mitch helps buckle Liam in tohis car seat. "Let's head to school!" Mitch says looking back at Liam. Scott begins to drive to Liam's elementary school.

Scott and Mitch walk into Liam's classroom and greet Liam's teacher, Mrs. Adkins. "Hi! It is so nice to see you, Liam!" Mrs. Adkins says as she smiles at Liam. Liam shakes her hand. "Liam isn't usually this shy, I think he is nervous." Scott says to Mrs. Adkins. "Aw, I understand. It is very common with kindergarteners. He will be fine within an hour." Mrs Adkins says smiling at Scott and Mitch.

"Look Li Li, this is where you sit. See, it has your name on the name tag." Mitch says as he smiles brightly at his eldest son. Liam looks at his name tag that says "Liam Grassi-Hoying." Liam is sitting across from two girls, and next to a boy. "Hi Liam!" a blonde pig tailed girl says smiles at Liam. "Hi Angel!" Liam says, waving at his friend. "See, some of your friends are here. "There's Braden, Noah, Lilia and Willow." Scott says to Liam. Liam loosens up and relaxes.

"Daddy and I will be here to pick you up in a few hours, okay?" Scott says to Liam. Liam hugs Scott and Mitch. "Be a good boy for Mrs Adkins." Mitch says fixing Liam's collar on his shirt. "I will Daddy!" Liam says smiling brightly. Mitch and Scott kiss and hug Liam and leave his classroom.

Mitch and Scott walk to their car. Mitch is an emotional mess. "Aw, baby don't cry. Liam is going to have fun. I can tell, he has a bunch of friends in his class." Scott says as he hugs his emotional husband. Mitch wipes his tears off his cheeks. "I'm just an emotional pregnant mess! Our baby is in school!" Mitch says sniffling.

Scott and Mitch get into their car. "I hope he doesn't get bullied, Scott." Mitch says worryingly. "Liam knows what to do Mitchy. And his teacher Mrs. Adkins is looking out for him, trust me." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's chin. Scott and Mitch kiss and head home.

A few hours later, Scott, Mitch and Hudson head to the school to pick Liam up. Scott and Mitch walk in the classroom with a sleepy Hudson in Scott's arms. "Daddy and Papa!" Liam runs over to Mitch and Scott. "Hey bud! Did you have a good day?" Scott asks Liam as they walked to the car. "I had lots of fun!" Liam says with a big smile on his face. "I am so glad you had fun today!" Mitch says as he plays with Liam's hair.

Scott buckles a sleepy Hudson in his car seat while Liam buckles himself in. "Liam, how many of your friends from preschool were in your class?" Mitch asks Liam, as he looks through all the parent forums him and Scott has to fill out. "Like seven! The rest of them are in Mrs. Jone's class! But I get to see them at lunch and recess!" Liam says. "That's good, buddy! I'm glad you get to see all of your friends." Mitch says smiling. Scott gets in the car and begins to drive home.

"Some of my classmate's parents are having babies too!" Liam says proudly. "Wow! That's so cool Li Li! Did you tell them about Daddy having a baby?" Scott asks his energetic son. "Yeah! And I talked about Huddy!" Liam says as he sips on his juice.

Mitch, Scott and the boys head home. Hudson plays on the floor while Liam begins his homework. Mitch and Scott reads Liam's progress report from his teacher. Mrs. Adkins said that Liam was very kind and sweet to his classmates, very advanced on his reading and writing. He loves talking about his parents being singers and his siblings.

"Your teacher had a lot of wonderful things to say about you, bud! I'm so proud of you!" Mitch says as he hugs Liam. Scott comes from behind and tickles Liam. Liam laughs loudly . "You had a great first day!" Scott says hugging Liam.

Liam had a wonderful first day of school! Many more to come! :)

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