Texas Surprise!

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*Mitch and Scott tell their parents about baby #5! (Sawyer) I hope you guys enjoy this one! Love Bree 💋

Mitch, Scott and the kids are visiting their parents in Texas during the kid's Spring Break! They have been in Texas for two days so far. The kids have been having a blast so far, hanging out with Connie, Rick, Nel and Mike.

Scott and Mitch have already told their sisters about the new baby that's on the way when they visited them the day before.

They are very excited for their brothers and have been keeping it a secret from their parents.

All the kids are in bed for the night, only the adults are up. Mitch and Scott have decided to tell their parents the big surprise.

"Mitch and I have a special announcement to tell you guys!" Scott says as he rubs Mitch's back.

"What is it, Scotty?" Connie asks her son in curiosity.

"Is something wrong!" Nel asks in a worried time.

"No! Nothing bad at all!" Scott says with a smile.

Mitch takes a deep breath and says: "I'm pregnant!" Mitch says as he points out his small but noticeable baby bump.

Connie and Nel scream loudly. Rick and Mike smile ear to ear.

"Shh! Mom! Nel! The kids are asleep!" Scott says with a giggle.

"No way! No way Mitchell! Congratulations!" Nel says as she begins to cry.

"I knew something was up! Scott kept saying Mitch was sick! Congratulations!" Connie says as she wipes the tears off of her face.

"I thought you guys were done?" Rick says as he chuckles loudly.

"Right! I thought you guys were done!" Mike says, laughing alongside with Rick.

"Scott, can you get my purse for me? Please?" Mitch says and Scott nods.

Scott finds Mitch's purse and hands it to Mitch.

"Thank you, baby." Mitch says as he pulls out the ultrasound pictures out of his purse.

"Here's the ultrasound we got right before we left to come here!" Mitch says with a big smile.

Nel, Connie, Mike and Rick look at the ultrasound pictures together.

"Oh my gosh! Look at this cute, tiny baby!" Nel says in awe, looking at all the pictures.

"Look at that little face! How far along are you!" Connie says, looking at Mitch.

"I'll be seventeen weeks tomorrow! I found out a few weeks ago." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

"You just found out? Mitchell! How did you not know!" Mike says with a giggle.

Mitch chuckles as he face palms.

"I honestly thought I had the stomach bug like all the kids had. But then the pregnancy symptoms started! The only symptom I have now is I'm so exhausted!" Mitch says as he drinks his water.

"Oh! Also, we know the gender already! Mitch had to get blood work done and the doctor did the gender test. We also saw it last time we went, so we are pretty positive what we are having." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's small baby bump.

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