Helping Hudson Write

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*Suggestions are appreciated 💞 love you guys, thank you all for the support! Love ~ Bree

Hudson is in Pre-K and he is beginning to learn how to write his name and small words. He is having an extremely hard time with it. He is beginning to get frustrated with his homework at the kitchen table. Hudson throws his pencil and pouts. Mitch hears Hudson crying and walks into the kitchen to see what is wrong.

"Huddy, what's wrong love bug?" Mitch says as he walks over to Hudson, who is sitting at the kitchen table sadly. "I can't do this!" Hudson says as he cries. "Huddy, don't cry. I'll help you." Mitch says as he rubs Hudson's back. "What do you need to do for homework, bud?" Mitch asks as he opens Hudson's book bag.

"Write my first and last name three times." Hudson says. "That's easy peasy. Let me write it for you, so you can see it. I know it is pretty long and may have trouble remembering all the letters. But you got this!" Mitch says with a big smile.

Mitch writes out Hudson's name: "Hudson Grassi-Hoying" on a card so Hudson can see it. Mitch was glad that Hudson didn't have to write his full name, because that would be super long. "Which hand do you use to write, baby?" Mitch asks. "Left!" Hudson says clapping. "I'm a lefty too!" Mitch says with a grin, knowing one of his kids is a lefty, just like he is.

Mitch helps Hudson hold his pencil correctly. "There you go." Mitch says softly. Hudson begins to write his name. "Good job buddy!" Mitch says. Hudson has trouble with his S. "You almost have it baby, just do it the other way. Watch me." Mitch says to Hudson.  Mitch begins to write the letter S so Hudson could watch.

Hudson tries to write the S again. "There you go! You were doing it backwards before." Mitch says. Hudson wrote a lower case G instead of a capital one. "The G should be capital love. The beginning letter of all names are always capital, no matter what. Watch me okay?" Mitch says as he writes a capital G. Hudson nods and Hudson copies Mitch. "Good job baby, keep going." Mitch says. Hudson writes the S wrong again and he begins to get upset. "Huddy, it's okay! Don't cry baby." Mitch says as he rubs Hudson's back and kisses his cheek.

Mitch shows Hudson how to write a S again. Hudson writes the S, correctly. "Like that Daddy?" Hudson asks. Mitch nods. Hudson finishes writing his name three times. "That looks very neat Hudson! I am so proud of you, baby." Mitch says kissing Hudson's cheek. "Thank you for helping me Daddy!" Hudson says smiling. "You're welcome Huddy! I know it's hard, but you will get the hand of it." Mitch says with a huge smile.

"Yeah, it is hard." Hudson says. "I know, but me, Papa and Liam will help you write. You did so good today! You just need to practice." Mitch says proudly. "I love you Daddy!" Hudson says. "I love you too, Huddy!" Mitch says kissing Hudson. "Let's go outside and play with Li Li, Sophie, Issy and Papa." Mitch says as he plays with Hudson's blonde hair. "Okay, Daddy! Let's go!" Hudson says running out the door.

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