Date Night!

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*inspired by the snapchat pic above! 😍 ~Bree💙**

Mitch and Scott are getting ready for their date night! They have not had a date night since Sophia was about three months old. Esther has been telling them to take one and they both finally agreed to have one. Esther and her husband Darien are on their way! Mitch is doing his makeup in the mirror and Liam walks in.

"You look so pretty, Daddy!" Liam says smiling at Mitch. "Thank you, Li Li. Are you excited for Auntie Esther and Uncle Darien to come over?" Mitch asks Liam. "Yeah! They haven't came over in a while!" Liam says. "I know! They are so excited to watch you guys!" Mitch says as he plays with Liam's hair. Liam giggles and runs downstairs to play with Hudson.

Mitch finishes his makeup and walks downstairs to the living room. Scott is sitting on the floor fixing the train track for Liam and Hudson. Sophia is crawling around on the floor. Sophia crawls over to the trash can and Mitch runs over to her.

"Sophia Noelle! Don't play in the trash! That's yucky!" Mitch says to Sophia. He washes her hands and brings her back into the living room. "Thank you Papa for fixing the train tracks!" Hudson says as he puts the trains on the track. "Thank you, Papa!" Liam says. "You're welcome boys." Scott says.

Scott looks up at Mitch and smiles. "You look gorgeous, Mitchy." Scott says with a smirk, making Mitch blush. Scott gets off of the floor and he kisses Mitch. "Thank you, Scott. You look very handsome." Mitch says. The door bell rings, and Scott walks over to the door to let Esther and Darien in.

"Liam and Hudson, I want you two to be on your best behavior okay?" Mitch says to the boys and they both nod. "You too princess." Mitch says to Sophia with a huge grin. Liam and Hudson run over to hug Esther and Darien. "Hi guys!" Esther says to the boys as she hugs and kisses them.

Esther and Darien walk in the living room to see Mitch and Sophia. "There's my sweet goddaughter!" Esther says as she kisses  Sophia's cheek. Esther, Darien, Scott and Mitch talk for a few minutes. Mitch talks to Esther about the boys and Sophia's bedtime routines.

Scott and Mitch kiss the kids goodbye for the night. They hug Darien and then Esther. "Have fun guys! Don't go crazy!" Esther laughs and Mitch playfully smacks her. Mitch and Scott head out. "I'm starving!" Scott says with a giggle. "Me too, where do you wanna go, love?" Mitch asks. "Cheesecake Factory?" Scott asks and Mitch nods as he holds Scott's hand. Scott begins to drive. "You feel okay?" Scott asks. "Yeah, I feel a lot better, thank you for asking." Mitch says.

Scott and Mitch make it Cheesecake Factory and sit at a table. Scott admires Mitch while he looks at the menu. "I know you are staring at me!" Mitch says with a smirk. Scott kisses Mitch's hand softly. Scott and Mitch order their food and then Mitch calls Esther to check how the kids are doing. Esther says Hudson and Liam are playing with Darien outside and Sophia is asleep on her chest. Mitch smiles and hangs up the phone. "Kiddos are well. Sophia is asleep and the boys are playing with Darien outside." Mitch says with a huge grin.

Scott smiles at Mitch. "You are such a wonderful Daddy." Scott says with a smirk. "Aw thanks, Scotty. You are a wonderful Papa." Mitch says. "You feel sick babe?" Scott asks Mitch. "No, thank goodness. I can't believe we are almost in the second trimester." Mitch says with a smile. Scott smiles back and kisses Mitch's hands. Mitch and Scott recently found out that they were expecting their fourth child!

"Esther was looking at your belly." Scott giggles. "I know she was! Kevin was looking at my belly yesterday! I heard Avi asking Kirstie if I have gained weight!" Mitch says as he laughs and Scott laughs with him. "Well, once we get the twelve week ultrasound done, we will tell everybody. We can tell Esther when we get home, she can keep it a secret." Scott says as he smiles.

Scott and Mitch begin to eat their dinner. Mitch ordered a veggie burger, while Scott ordered a streak. They both giggle at each other as they talk about all kinds of things. Scott and Mitch give each other a bite of their dinner and admire each other.  After dinner, Scott and Mitch head out of Cheesecake Factory hand in hand. "Where do you wanna go now, love?" Scott asks. "Wanna go to the movies? There are a bunch of cool new movies out right now." Mitch says. Scott nods and they walk over to the movie theater that is in the same shopping center.

Scott and Mitch purchase their tickets and snacks. They walk to the top of the theater. Mitch sits down first, then Scott. Scott rests his long legs on the seat in front of him. Mitch puts his head on Scott's chest and Scott wraps his arm around Mitch. "Comfy baby?" Scott whispers and Mitch nods. "You wore my favorite cologne." Mitch says smiling, as he sniffs Scott's shirt.

"I know, it's your favorite. I wore it just for you." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's forehead and plays with his hair. "Can I have a sip of your slushie, babe?" Mitch asks Scott in a whisper. Scott nods and gives it to Mitch. "Thank you, love." Mitch says whispering. "Craving sweets I see." Scott giggles as he rubs Mitch's back. "Yeah, I have been!" Mitch says, kissing Scott's cheek.

After the movie, Scott and Mitch head home. When they enter the door they see Esther and Darien on the couch relaxing. "Hey! All kids are fast asleep." Darien says. "Thank you so much for watching the kids, Esther and Darien." Scott says. "You're welcome guys! It's not a problem!" Esther says smiling. Mitch and Scott look at each other and nod. They decided to tell Esther and Darien about the new baby.

"Esther, Darien, Scott and I have something to tell you." Mitch says as Scott wraps his arm around Mitch's waist. "What is it? Is something wrong?" Esther asks in a worried tone. "We are having a baby!" Scott and Mitch say in unison. Esther and Darien's jaws drop. "Oh my goodness! I knew something was up with you, Mitch!" Esther says as she hugs Mitch and then Scott. "Congratulations guys!" Darien says hugging Mitch and then Scott.

"Thank you!" Mitch and Scott say in unison. "You have a little belly already, Mitch!" Esther says as she kisses Mitch's small belly and Mitch giggles. "I know I do! I see everybody has been looking at me!" Mitch says with a chuckle. Scott walks into the kitchen to get the ultrasound they got of the baby at ten weeks. "Aw, look at the little baby!" Esther says as she tears up. "I'll be twelve weeks in a few days. We didn't want to say anything until then, but Scott and I wanted to tell you guys." Mitch says smiling at Scott.

"That is wonderful guys! How exciting!" Darien says. "I noticed you were acting different when we had rehearsal last time, Mitch! Now I know why!" Esther says giggling. "I have been so nauseous this pregnancy!  That's probably why I haven't ate much. But it's finally calming down. We are going to tell the band next time we have rehearsal." Mitch says.

"This is so exciting! I can't wait! When are you due?" Esther asks Mitch. "July 25th!" Mitch says. "Aw, it's like a birthday present to you, Mitch!" Darien says. Esther and Darien hug Mitch and Scott and leave. Mitch and Scott head to bed and relax. They had a wonderful dare night :)

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