Liam's Talent Show!

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Thank you to @the_scomiche_feels for this request! You can send a request by commenting on this oneshot or messaging me! Hope you guys enjoy this! ~Bree💞

Liam has a talent show coming up at school! Liam decided to sign up and sing a song for the talent show. Mitch and Scott pick up Liam from school. Liam runs to the car and buckles himself in. "Hey baby! Did you have a good day?" Mitch asks Liam with a grin. Liam nods and hands Mitch a paper about the talent show. Mitch reads over the paper shows it to Scott.

"Wow! This looks like a lot fun!" Mitch says to Liam with a smile. "Yeah! I am going to sing a song!" Liam says proudly. "Woah! What song are you going to sing, love?" Scott asks. "I think I might sing cheerleader, Papa! I don't know yet." Liam says as he sips on his apple juice.

When they get home, Liam works on his homework with Scott, while Mitch entertains Hudson, Sophia and Isabella in the living room. "You're handwriting looks really good Liam! Awesome job!" Scott says as he high fives Liam. "How do I sing, good Papa?" Liam asks. "You drink a lot of water, and just have fun with it." Scott says with a grin. "Do you need help with your singing, love?" Mitch asks and Liam nods no. "I got it Daddy!" Liam says as he puts his homework on.

As the week goes on, Liam practiced and practiced. He liked practicing when his parents weren't home. He didn't want anybody helping him. One day, Esther came over to babysit the kids, while Scott and Mitch took a much needed date night. "Do you think Liam is practicing?" Scott asks Mitch. "I think so, I just hope nothing bad happens and he gets embarrassed. I wish he would let us help him." Mitch says.

"I know Mitchy, but he can do it. He just wants to do it on his own, and not caring about the trophy. I just want him to have fun." Scott says as he feeds Mitch a bite of his dinner. "I know, I guess I'm just a protective daddy." Mitch says smiling. "Yeah you are! Well tomorrow's the talent show. I can't wait to see Liam perform." Scott says.

The next day came, and it was the talent show! Liam didn't speak much that day. "What did a cat catch your tongue, bud?" Scott asks Liam that morning as he fixed Liam's hair. Liam wrote on a piece of paper "Vocal Rest." Scott smiles. You can talk a little bit bud, just not right before you perform. "Are you excited Liam?" Mitch asks. Liam nods and smiles at Mitch holding up his "Vocal Rest" sign

After school, Liam got ready for the talent show. He has a green dress shirt with black pants on and dress shoes. Mitch finishes helping Liam get ready and gets himself ready for tonight. Scott dresses Sophia and Isabella in pretty pastel leggings with frilly shirts. "Pretty girls!" Scott says picking up Isabella. "Scott! Bring the camera, so we can film it for our parents." Mitch says from the bathroom. "Okay babe!" Scott says. Hudson walks in with his outfit, a plaid shirt and striped pants. Scott giggles. "That doesn't match, love bug." Scott says to Hudson.

"Aw man! I thought it did." Hudson says with a frown. "It's okay bud, I'll help you." Scott says as he finds Hudson a pair of khaki pants. "There you go bud!" Scott says, kissing Hudson's cheek. Mitch finishes getting ready and the family heads to Liam's school. Liam has to go backstage while he waits to perform. "Have fun baby. Just relax and take your time." Mitch says as he kisses Liam's cheek. Scott hugs Liam tightly. "You are going to do awesome bud!" Scott says. Liam smiles and runs backstage.

Esther, Darien, and the rest of the band came to support Liam. "I wanna sit on Uncle Avi's lap!" Hudson says to Scott. "Go ahead bud, ask Uncle Avi first, okay?" Scott says to Hudson. Hudson runs over to Avi and ask to sit on his lap. Avi smiles and picks Hudson up. Sophia sits on Esther's lap, and Isabella sat on Mitch's lap.

"Liam is up next guys." Mitch says to the band Scott wraps his arm around Mitch. "Don't be nervous, baby." Scott whispers into Mitch's ear. "Our next contestant is second grader, Liam Grassi-Hoying!" The announcer says. Mitch, Scott and the band cheer loudly from their seats. Liam walks on stage smiling, fixing his microphone. The music started and Liam began to snap his fingers.

Liam began to sing, hitting every note perfectly! Scott films the performance for both set of grandparents. The crowd roared with whistles and claps. Mitch begins to cry happy tears. After Liam finished his performance he bowed. The crowd stood up and began to cheer loudly. "He did fantastic! Did you guys help him?" Esther asks Mitch and Scott. Mitch and Scott nod no. "He didn't want any help. He sounded so perfect!" Mitch says crying.

Mitch and Scott never pushed their kids into singing. They did not want any of their kids to feel pressured to do it, just because they are singers themselves. But Liam sure does have the talent! Liam walks over to where Mitch and Scott are sitting. "You did a fantastic job, baby boy!" Scott says to Liam proudly. "Thank you! That was so much fun!" Liam says with a huge toothy grin. Mitch hugs Liam tight and kisses him. "You did such an amazing job, baby!" Mitch says. Liam sits in between Scott and Mitch while he watched the rest of the talent show.

After the show, the school gave out awards. Liam won first place in his grade. Mitch begins to cry again. "Wow! Look at that trophy!" Kevin says to Liam. "Congratulations Liam!" Kirstie says as he kisses his cheek. "Do you want to become a singer when you grow up?" Avi asks Liam. Liam shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know! Maybe!" Liam says as he hands Scott his trophy. "Wow! We need to put this on your shelf in your room!" Mitch says smiling at Liam.

The whole school was impressed with Liam's performance! :)

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