Family Vlog

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*This was requested! Send your suggestions! I hope you guys enjoy this one! Love you guys! • Bree 🦁

Scott is up with Sawyer as Mitch sleeps peacefully. Scott is sitting in a rocking chair as he begins to feed Sawyer a warm bottle.

"Good morning! You guys requested a Superfruit family vlog, so I decided to film one for you guys today. Today is Wednesday, happy hump day! I am up with this little man, who woke up hungry. Isn't that right, Sawyer?" Scott says as he kisses Sawyer's cheek.

Scott points the camera on Sawyer. Sawyer has his bright blue eyes open, and is drinking his bottle.

"We don't have much planned today. I have to ask Mitch if we have plans, because he knows everything. I just follow Mitch most of the time. Liam had a soccer game on Sunday and his team kicked butt and won 10-4. Hudson had a t-ball game on Tuesday and his team won too! The score was 5-2. Liam has soccer practice tomorrow and Hudson has t-ball practice on Friday. Soccer and T-ball end at the end of this month. I'm sure Mitchy can't wait for that." Scott says with a giggle as he turns the camera off to burp Sawyer.

Scott burps Sawyer and he turns the camera back on.

"Mitchy is still asleep. He didn't wake me up at all last night to help with Sawyer. We usually take shifts on taking care of Sawyer through out the night. I don't know why he didn't wake me up, little turd. He is such an amazing husband, I love him so much." Scott says as he turns the camera off again and begins to do house chores.

Scott turns the camera on again. Sawyer is sleeping in his carrier. Scott smiles as he kisses Sawyer's forehead.

"Hey guys! It is six am now and I just finished up folding the left over laundry from yesterday. Mitch doesn't like me doing the laundry, so I just fold it. And looks who up!" Scott says as he points the camera at Mitch walking into the laundry room.

Mitch smiles as he rolls his eyes.

"I look awful! Stop!" Mitch says as he covers his face with his hands.

"You look beautiful Mitch." Scott says and Mitch kisses his cheek.

"Thank you babe, I love you." Mitch says and he hugs Scott.

"I love you too!" Scott says happily. Scott and Mitch kiss.

"It's time to wake up the boys for school."  Scott says in a whisper and a smile.

First, Mitch walks into Hudson's bedroom. Mitch sits on the bed and begins to rub Hudson's back.

"Huddy, it's time to wake up." Mitch says and Hudson wakes up, and puts his glasses on.

"Good morning, baby boy." Mitch says as he kisses Hudson's cheek.

Hudson makes his bed with Mitch and walks out of his room.

"Good morning, Hudson." Scott says as he hugs and kisses Hudson.

"Good morning, Papa and Daddy." Hudson says as he yawns, walking to the bathroom.

Scott walks into Liam's bedroom to wake Liam up. Scott walks over to Liam and begins to rub his back.

"Liam, it's time to wake up buddy." Scott says softly and Liam wakes up.

"Good morning, Papa." Liam says softly.

"Good morning, Liam." Scott says happily as he kisses Liam's cheek.

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