Another Surprise!

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*Who's excited for another Scomiche baby? :) I was thinking on doing this for a while! Hope you guys are excited! Bree 🌼

Liam is now an energized five year old, who is getting ready to start kindergarten in a short few months. Hudson just turned two only a few days ago and is talking up a storm. Mitch and Scott along with Pentatonix made a new album and are very successful!

Mitch woke up this morning with a pounding headache. Hudson and Liam run into the master bedroom. "Hi Daddy!" Hudson says to Mitch with a toothy grin. "Daddy! Papa made you breakfast! He is coming up with your plate!" Liam says as he hugs Mitch and Mitch smiles. "You boys are such sweethearts, thank you so much." Mitch says kissing each of the boys cheeks. Scott comes in the bedroom with jelly toast and a glass of soy milk for Mitch.

"Good morning, sunshine. I hope this helps you feel better." Scott says to Mitch. Scott knows Mitch hasn't been feeling well. "Thank you, Scotty." Mitch says as kisses Scott. "Okay boys, let's head downstairs to get some breakfast." Scott says as the boys follow him downstairs to the kitchen.

Two hours later, Mitch is playing cars with the boys on the living room floor. Scott comes in with his laptop in his hand. "Hey babe, I'm gonna take the car to get an oil change and to get my laptop fixed. Are you going to be okay?" Scott asks Mitch as he rubs Mitch's shoulders.

"Scotty, I am fine darling. Thank you for asking me though. Be careful, okay?" Mitch says to Scott. Scott nods and he kisses Mitch twice. Scott walks over to the boys and kisses Hudson and Liam's foreheads. He heads out to do his errands.

An hour goes by and Hudson starts to get sleepy. Mitch takes him in his room to take a much needed nap. Liam wanted to watch a movie so Mitch puts in Ratatouille for him to watch. While Liam relaxes on the couch watching Ratatouille, Mitch decides to clean his and Scott's bedroom.

As he cleans, Mitch begins to realizes all the strange symptoms he has been having lately. He figured it was the stomach flu, but just to be on the safe side he is going to take a pregnancy test. Mitch heads to the master bathroom and takes the pregnancy test. He cleans for ten minutes and then goes back in the bathroom to check the pregnancy test.

Mitch flips the test and looks at the it. It is positive. Two solid red lines. Mitch and Scott are having another baby! "Holy shit! Oh my gosh!" Mitch says as happy tears run down his cheeks. Mitch tries to quiet down, so Hudson wouldn't wake up from his nap and so Liam wouldn't ask what's wrong. This pregnancy comes somewhat as a surprise. Mitch and Scott were planning on trying to get pregnant later in the year. But, they also weren't preventing either.

A few hours later, Scott comes home from running his errands. He is greeted by the boys who were happy to see their Papa. Scott gives the boys dinner he picked up from Chipotle. Mitch comes downstairs with the pregnancy test in his pocket. "Hey baby." Mitch says with a smile. Scott and him kiss.

"I got you a burrito bowl, baby." Scott says to Mitch. "Aw, thank you baby, but I have an upset stomach still." Mitch says as he begins to wash the dishes. "Aw, okay darling. I'll put it in the fridge for you." Scott says and he puts Mitch's burrito into the refrigerator.

Scott eats dinner with the boys while Mitch cleans up the kitchen a little bit. After dinner, Mitch and Scott take the boys upstairs to give them baths and get them ready for bed. Scott and Mitch take showers and come downstairs to watch TV and relax. Scott is wearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, while Mitch is wearing one of Scott's t-shirts with leggings. Mitch and Scott cuddle while watching TV on the couch.

"You know, this December is going to have a ton of blessings this year." Mitch says with a smile as he looks into Scott's crystal blue eyes. "What do you mean, Mitchy?" Scott asks Mitch confusingly. "Well, something special is going to happen this December." Mitch says as he rubs Scott's cheek tenderly. "Mitchy, I'm confused babycakes. It's Christmas time in December, of course it is special." Scott says to Mitch.

"Close your eyes." Mitch says as Scott covers his eyes with his hands. Scott goes with it and closes his eyes, however he is still very confused. Mitch grabs the pregnancy test from his back pocket. Mitch holds it in front of Scott's face. "Okay, open your eyes Scott." Mitch says. Scott opens his eyes and looks at the pregnancy test. Scott's jaw hits the floor. "Oh my gosh! We are having another baby?" Scott asks Mitch.

Mitch nods with a big smile. Scott and Mitch French kiss. "Oh my gosh, another baby. What a surprise!" Scott says as he rubs Mitch's face and kisses him. "What made you test, babe? Scott asks Mitch while rubbing Mitch's flat stomach. "I just felt off. Like certain foods I haven't wanted or seemed gross, I have peed one million times today, and I have been dizzy." Mitch says as he snuggles next to Scott.

"I am so freaking excited, Mitchy! This December is going to be a blessing and special!" Scott says rubbing Mitch's cheek. "You feel okay? What's wrong?" Scott asks Mitch, who seems upset. "I'm fine baby, I'm just an emotional wreck because I am pregnant!" Mitch laughs with tears coming down his eyes. "I am sorry I am an emotional wreck, Scott." Mitch says.

Scott rubs Mitch's back and kisses Mitch's forehead. "Babe, don't worry about it. You are pregnant, I need to treat you like a queen." Scott says with a smile. Mitch smiles as he lays his head on Scott's chest.

"I can't wait to tell the boys." Scott says as he kisses Mitch again. "Me either. But let's wait a little bit, okay?" Mitch says to Scott. Scott nods and they kiss. They snuggle on the couch for a few hours and went to bed.

Baby Grassi-Hoying #3 is on the way :)

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