Welcoming Sophia

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*Who is excited for Sophia's arrival? Hope you guys this special one shot! If you would more with Miss Sophia let me know! • Bree🎀

Scott is getting ready for Mitch's c-section. He is dressed in his bright blue scrubs and Mitch giggles. "You look so handsome, Scott." Mitch says as he laughs at Scott. "You look like a tall smurf." Mitch says as he takes pictures of Scott with his iPhone.

Scott giggles. "Thank you, love. You look gorgeous as always." Scott says kissing Mitch tenderly. "I wonder who she is going to look like?" Scott says as he finishes putting his scrub hat on and Mitch's. Mitch bites his lip, as his anxiety begins to rise. Scott noticed Mitch's nervousness and begins to comfort him.

"Mitchy, everything is going to be just fine. In just about ten minutes or so, we are going to meet our baby girl." Scott says rubbing Mitch's arm and Mitch smiles. "You are a champ at this baby, you will be back moving around in no time." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek. Mitch relaxes at the sound of Scott's calming voice.

A few minutes later, Mitch and Scott are in the operating room. "It is time to meet our princess." Scott says rubbing Mitch's forehead. Mitch squeezes Scott's hand for support and Scott kisses Mitch's hand. "I'm right here Mitchy, are you okay?" Scott says comforting Mitch, who was extremely nervous even though he has gone through two c-sections in the past. Mitch nods and Scott smiles at Mitch.

Mitch feels tugging from the doctor performing the c-section. Mitch squeezes Scott's hand. "It's okay, Mitchy." Scott whispers to Mitch.

"She has a head full of hair!" Dr. Moore says out loud. Sophia begins to cry loudly. "It's a girl! Happy birthday! 11:30am is the time! Congratulations!" Dr. Moore says. Mitch and Scott begin to tear up. Their little girl is finally here. The nurse wraps Sophia in a blanket and shows her to Mitch and Scott.

"Hi baby girl! Happy birthday!" Scott says smiling at his new daughter. "Hi sweetheart, you are beautiful!" Mitch says as tears go down his cheeks. "We are going to get her cleaned up, weigh and check her. Mr. Grassi-Hoying, your husband may come back with her. Congratulations!" The nurse says as she takes Sophia to be cleaned up.

"She is so beautiful, Scott! A head full of hair!" Mitch says with a big smile. "I know! She looks precious." Scott says. "Go take some pictures of her, baby. I'll be fine." Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "Okay baby, I'll be right back." Scott says as he leaves the room and walks to where Sophia is.

Scott heads to the table where Sophia is being cleaned up. She is crying loudly and her eyes are wide open. "Hi Sophia. Happy birthday, sweet girl!" Scott says, gently kissing Sophia's forehead. Scott holds Sophia's tiny hand. "Congratulations! She weighs seven pounds three ounces and is nineteen inches long. Let's bring her to her see her other daddy!" The nurse says wrapping Sophia up in a blanket. The other nurse puts a bow shaped hat on her head. The nurse and Scott come back in the operating room to see Mitch.

"Congratulations!" The nurse says happily to Mitch. "Thank you!" Mitch says with a grin. The nurse hands Scott, Sophia to hold. "Can you see her, baby? Look at her Mitchy, she has her eyes open. She is looking at her Daddy. She weighed seven pounds, three ounces and is nineteen inches long." Scott says with a smile. Mitch kisses Sophia's cheek.

"Hi sweet girl. She is a perfect mixture of us. She has your nose, Scott! And your ears." Mitch says rubbing Sophia's cheek. "She has your lips, darling. She is absolutely perfect. Her eyes look hazel, babe. So gorgeous." Scott says to Mitch.

"You did fantastic sweetheart, I am so proud of you! I love you lots!" Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek. "I love you too, baby. I can't wait to hold my baby girl." Mitch says as he looks at his new daughter, Sophia Noelle Grassi-Hoying. Sophia has light brown hair with hazel eyes.

After the c-section, Mitch and Scott are in their room. Mitch is holding his baby girl and feeding her a bottle. Scott brings in Chiptole for himself and Mitch to eat. "Thank you, sweetheart. I am starving." Mitch says as he finishes feeding Sophia. Scott and Mitch begin to eat, while Sophia takes a nap. Scott scrolls through all the pictures on his iPhone to figure out what picture to use to announce Sophia's birth on social media.

"Which one, Mitchy?" Scott asks as he shows Mitch pictures of Sophia. "These three. One of each of us holding her and this one with her eyes open." Mitch says with a proud smile. Scott posts Sophia's arrival on Instagram. "Our little girl is here! Sophia Noelle Grassi-Hoying was born on December 12th at 11:30am. She weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and is 19 inches long. Mitch is doing amazing, and Sophia is taking a nap. Thank you all for praying for us and for the congratulations!" The caption said.

Scott and Mitch kiss. "Our family is perfect Mitchy." Scott said. "It sure is." Mitch smiles. Sophia met her big brothers later in the day and came home a day later :)

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