Scott's First Time Holding Sophia

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*I hope you like fluff! 😍 Get ready! •Bree 🎀*

Mitch is relaxing with Sophia on his chest. She is fast asleep. Mitch is sore from his c-section, that was thirty minutes ago. Scott comes in the room, out of the ugly blue scrubs. His hair is a tad messed up from the scrub hat. Scott smiles at Mitch, who is snuggling with their new daughter, Sophia Noelle. "Mitchy, do you need anything?" Scott says as he goes through their bags. "No babe, I'm fine." Mitch sits up slowly, squinting his his face in pain.

"Be easy, baby." Scott says to Mitch softly. Scott tries to clean up the hospital room. "Scott, you don't need to be cleaning or anything. Just relax." Mitch says, smiling at Scott. Scott relaxes and sits next to Mitch in the rocking chair. Mitch fixes how Sophia is positioned in his arms. Scott checks his iPhone and responds to the many text messages he has received.

"Scott." Scott looks up at Mitch and Mitch smiles at his loving husband. "Would you like to hold Sophia? I think she wants time with her Papa." Mitch says smiling wide at Scott. Scott nods and Mitch hands Sophia over to Scott.

"There you go, baby. Aw, she's looking at you Scott." Mitch whispers. "Hey, baby girl. Happy birthday." Scott says kissing Sophia's forehead and takes Sophia's hat off to look at her hair. She has soft light brown hair. "She has a head full of hair, Mitchy." Scott whispers, smiling at Mitch. "I know she does, she gave me a ton of heartburn during my pregnancy. The heartburn was worth it, look how beautiful her hair is." Mitch says with a chuckle. "Her eyes are gorgeous baby, they look hazel. Hi Sophia, I am your Papa." Scott says holding Sophia's little hand and looking her in the eyes.

Mitch smiles at his husband holding their beautiful baby girl and takes a few pictures of Scott and Sophia together to post on Facebook. "She might be hungry, babe. I'll have the nurse bring a bottle in." Mitch says as he calls the nurses lounge. The nurse comes with a nice warm bottle. Scott thanks the nurse and begins to feed Sophia.

"You must have been hungry, baby girl." Scott says kissing Sophia's forehead. "She has your lips, Mitchy." Scott says smiling at Mitch. "Aw, I know she does. She has your nose and ears." Mitch says fixing Sophia's blanket.

Sophia finishes her bottle and Scott burps her. "She's your Christmas present this year, Scott." Mitch laughs. "I wouldn't mind that. I told you Mitchy, I don't need anything." Scott says to Mitch. "Of course I have to get you something. I got all my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving because of Sophia's arrival being in the middle of Christmas shopping season." Mitch giggles. Scott smiles at Sophia. "She's a good mixture of the both of us I think, Mitchy." Scott says.

"I think so too, darling." Mitch says. "Esther says the boys are doing well. Liam had a good day at school and Hudson had a good day with her." Scott says smiling. "I'll send her a pic of Sophia." Mitch says sending the picture of Sophia smiling to Esther. Esther texts back: "Oh my goodness! She is beautiful! I can't wait to meet my niece! 🎀😭💋 Boys are playing right now! Kevin will bring them up later! I'll be over with the rest of the gang. Love you guys!"

"Esther is a mess." Mitch giggles showing Scott the text. "I love you, Mitchy." Scott says smiling at his husband. "I love you too, Scotty. Thank you for helping me through it all today, I couldn't have done it without you." Mitch and Scott kiss. Mitch kisses Sophia's forehead. Scott and Mitch spend one on one time with Sophia before their boys come to visit. :)

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