Saturday Morning Swim!

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*Just a sweet family oneshot! Bree💙*

Mitch wakes up alone in his and Scott's bedroom. He sees Isabella isn't next to him in her co-sleeper. He goes to the bathroom and puts his glasses on. He begins to walks downstairs slowly and Mitch smiles. He sees Liam, Hudson, and Sophia eating breakfast at the kitchen table.

Scott is feeding Isabella in his arms. Mitch walks down the steps and smiles. "Hey, sleepy head!" Scott says with a smile. Mitch smiles back and kisses Scott. "Daddy! Your hair is sticking up!" Liam says as he giggles loudly. "It is, isn't it?" Mitch says as he fixes his hair.

"Daddy!" Sophia says with oatmeal all over her face. "Hey, baby girl! You love Papa's oatmeal, huh?" Mitch says as he wipes off Sophia's face. "Daddy! Look, I drew this picture!" Hudson says holding up his drawing. "Aw! That is such a nice drawing, Huddy! Thank you!" Mitch says with a smile. "Hey babe, I made your favorite oatmeal, it's over there." Scott says pointing to it on the counter. "Thank you, Scotty!" Mitch says, walking over to get his bowl of oatmeal. Mitch realizes how lucky he truly is. He has an amazing husband, and four healthy children.

Isabella begins to cry and Scott comforts her. "Issy, shh, it's okay baby girl. You need a diaper change, huh?" Scott says as he walks in the living room to change her diaper. Liam and Hudson walk in the living room to watch cartoons. Sophia walks in to play with her blocks. Scott puts Isabella in her swing. "Boys, Sophie, would you like to go somewhere today?" Mitch asks Hudson, Liam, and Sophie. "I wanna go swimming!" Liam says to Mitch.

"We have to see if Auntie Esther is home, love bug! But if she is, we will go!" Mitch says as he smiles at Liam. Mitch texts Esther to see if she is home. She texts back, saying she is and that they are welcomed to come over. "Auntie Esther says we can come over and swim!" Mitch says happily to the kids. Hudson and Liam go upstairs and get their swim trunks on. Scott helps Sophia put her swimsuit on. "Pretty girl!" Scott says with a grin.

Mitch picks up Isabella and puts her in her car seat and kisses her cheek. Scott picks up Isabella's car seat and puts it in the car. Liam and Hudson run into the car and buckle themselves in. Mitch buckles Sophia in her booster seat. "You have everything we need, love?" Scott asks Mitch. Mitch nods and kisses Scott. Scott begins the drive to Esther and Darien's house.

They walk into Esther's backyard and they see Esther and Darien. Liam and Hudson run in the yard. "Liam! Hudson! Do no run, please." Scott says sternly. Scott carries Isabella's car seat, while Mitch holds Sophia's hand. Scott puts Isabella's car seat in the shade so the sun doesn't hit her. Mitch sits with Esther with Sophia next to him. Scott, Darien, Liam and Hudson jump in the pool to swim.

"Isabella's hair is so curly and pretty!" Esther says looking at Isabella, who is sleeping in her car seat. "Aw, thank you. I honestly don't know where those curls came from!" Mitch says with a smile. Scott helps Hudson swim. "You got it, baby boy! Good job!" Scott says proudly. Darien throws Liam up in the air. "Again Uncle Darien! Again!" Liam says with a giggle.

Sophia plays with her blocks at the table. "You don't want to swim, Sophie?" Esther asks Sophia and Sophia shakes her head no. "I don't think she likes swimming. She loves bath time, but hates pools." Mitch says as he plays with Sophia's hair. "That's okay, Sophie! You can have fun with me and Daddy!" Esther says, kissing Sophia's cheek.

"Daddy, I'm thirsty." Sophia says. "Here's your water, sweety." Mitch says giving Sophia her sippy cup. "Thank you, Daddy!" Sophia says /: she begins to drink her water. "You're welcome, sweet girl." Mitch says, rubbing Sophia's back.

Mitch looks at Hudson, who is learning how to swim with his Papa. "Good job, Huddy!" Mitch says, clapping his hands. Hudson smiles as he swims. "Sophie, you wanna swim with me?" Scott asks Sophia and she shakes her head no. "Okay baby girl, that's fine!" Scott says as he blows Sophia a kiss.

Sophia blows a kiss back. Isabella begins to cry. "Aw, baby girl it's okay!" Esther says as she picks Isabella up of the car seat. "Sophie, sit here with Auntie Esther, please. I'll be right back." Mitch says as he walks into Esther's house to make a bottle.

Mitch comes back with a bottle. "Esther, would you like to feed Isabella?" Mitch asks Esther. "Aw, absolutely! Here you go baby girl, I know you are hungry." Esther says as she begins to feed Isabella. Scott, Darien, Hudson and Liam walk over to the table. "Huddy, Li Li, are you guys thirsty?" Mitch asks the boys. They both nod and Mitch gives them each a bottle of water.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Liam says. "Thank you, Daddy!" Hudson says as he drinks his water. Scott puts Hudson's glasses on. "There you go, Hud." Scott says, playing with Hudson's blonde hair. "Sophie, swim with us!" Liam says to his sister. "She will when she is ready." Scott says taking a sip of Mitch's drink. Mitch kisses Scott's cheek.

"Hudson is getting better at swimming!" Darien says happily. "That's awesome! Huddy, it's a great thing to know how to swim." Esther says as she burps Isabella. "You guys need to have some sunscreen on." Mitch says, looking through his bag. "I'll be fine, Daddy!" Liam says as he sips his water. "Liam, you, Hudson and Papa will burn bad and sunburn hurts, bud." Mitch says as he puts sunscreen on Hudson and then Liam. "Babe, come here let me put sunscreen on you." Mitch says.

Scott smirks as Mitch rubs sunscreen on him. "Thank you, baby." Scott says and the kiss. "You're welcome, baby." Mitch says as he kisses Scott's cheek. "You wanna swim some more?" Scott asks Hudson and Liam. They both nod. Scott and Darien help them get back into the pool.

"Daddy! Swim with us!" Hudson says. "I can't bud, remember my boo boo on my tummy?" Mitch says to Hudson and Hudson nods. "Isabella loves you!" Mitch says smiling at Esther. "She does! My goodness she looks like Scott!" Esther says as she kisses Isabella's head. "Oh, absolutely! She looks so much like Connie." Mitch says with a smile.

"I wanna color, Daddy." Sophia says to Mitch. "Okay, baby girl!" Mitch says as he gives Sophia her coloring book and crayons. Sophia begins to color. "Her hair is so long!" Esther says, as she looks at Sophia. "Oh my goodness I know! She needs a haircut." Mitch says as he begins to clean out his bag.

After an hour, it was time to go home, so Isabella and Sophia can take a nap. They had a great day at the pool :)

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