Liam Meets Hudson!

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*This should have been written right after I wrote Hudson's birth oneshot. But here it is! A detailed scene of Liam meeting Hudson! enjoy! • Bree 👽*

Liam is at Kirstie's house spending the night, while Mitch and Scott are at the hospital. Mitch and Scott have welcomed their new baby boy, Hudson Avriel Kevin Grassi-Hoying yesterday morning.

Jeremy and Liam are playing with moon sand in the living room, while Olaf and Wyatt are snuggling together on the couch. Kirstie is getting ready for the day, and her iPhone begins to ring. She looks to see who it is, it is Scott.

"Hey Scott! How is everything?" Kirstie asks Scott as she continues to put her makeup on. "Everything is great! We are getting ready to go home now. Hudson passed all of his tests and Mitch is taking a shower. How was Liam and Wyatt last night?" Scott asks Kirstie about his eldest son and his cat.

"Wyatt has been snuggling with Olaf! And Liam did very well last night! Slept through the whole night and he is playing with moon sand with Jeremy right now!" Kirstie says as she finishes putting her makeup on. "Aw, that's good! I am glad he is having fun. Mitch or I will text you when we are home, so you can bring Wyatt and Liam home! We miss our boys." Scott says.

"Okay Scott! Be careful heading home! Love you guys!" Kirstie says happily. "We will! Love you too!" Scott says. They both hang up the phone. Kirstie heads downstairs and she hears Liam laughing with Jeremy.

"Auntie Kirstie!" Liam says as he smiles at Kirstie. "Hey Liam! Are you having fun with Uncle Jeremy?" Kirstie asks with a grin. "Yeah! We are playing with moon sand!" Liam says as he makes a castle with the moon sand. "Kirs, he had Honey Nut Cheerios and a glass of milk." Jeremy says as he kisses Kirstie.

"Liam, Papa called! Papa, Daddy and baby Hudson will be home soon! They will call me when they are home!" Kirstie says as she hugs Liam. "Yay! I can't wait to meet Huddy!" Liam says as he runs to the kitchen to grab a juice box out of the fridge.

*Three hours later*

Jeremy and Liam are playing Mario Kart in the living room. Kirstie's iPhone begins to ring again, it is Mitch. "Hello?" Kirstie says. "Hey K! We are home and we all just woke up from a nap. We are ready for our boys to come home!" Mitch says, excitedly. "Aw, okay Mitch! We will be there in thirty minutes! Love you!" Kirstie says as she and Mitch hang up.

"Li Li! Daddy called! Let's head home! Kirstie says. "Yay! I get to see Papa, Daddy and Huddy!" Liam says as he runs upstairs to get his things. 

Kirstie gets Liam and Wyatt ready for the ten minute drive home, while Jeremy stays home with Olaf. Jeremy and Liam hug. "Be good for Daddy and Papa. Auntie Kirstie and I will be over tomorrow." Jeremy says to Liam. "Okay, Uncle Jeremy!" Liam says as he walks outside.

Liam runs to the car. Kirstie buckles him in his booster seat, then sits Wyatt next to him. She gets in he driver's seat and begins to drive to Scott and Mitch's house.

After a ten minute drive, Liam and Wyatt are home! "We are home, buddy! Are you excited?" Kirstie says with a smile as she unbuckles Liam. She picks up Wyatt and their bags. "Yes, Auntie Kirstie!" Liam says as he gets out of the car. Scott is at the door waiting for his two boys. He is wearing his red and black plaid shirt from Joyrich with gray sweatpants. "Papa! Papa!" Liam says as he runs over to Scott. "Hey buddy!" Scott says as he picks Liam up. He kisses Liam's forehead tenderly.

Scott sets Liam back down and grabs the bags from Kirstie, while Kirstie brings in Wyatt. "Hey Wy Wy, did you have fun at Auntie Kirstie's house? I heard you did." Scott says as he pets Wyatt and Wyatt meows loudly. Scott sets Liam and Wyatt bags down and Wyatt runs upstairs to greet Mitch.

"Liam, are you ready to meet your baby brother?" Scott asks as he gets down on Liam's level. "Yes, Papa!" Liam says as he smiles brightly. Scott picks up Liam and carries him upstairs. Kirstie has to go, but will be back in a few hours with the rest of Pentatonix to all meet Hudson together.

Scott opens the master bedroom door slowly. Mitch is sitting on the king size master bed and is finishing burping Hudson. Mitch has black leggings on with Scott's big cloud sweater on. "Hey big boy! Did you have fun over Auntie Kirstie's house?" Mitch asks as he smiles at Liam. Scott places Liam next to Mitch on the bed. "Be gentle climbing on Daddy, buddy. Daddy is very sore, okay?" Scott says and Liam nods.

Mitch kisses Liam's forehead. "I had lots of fun at Auntie Kirstie and Uncle Jeremy's house!" Liam says with a teethy grin. "I am so glad you had tons of fun!" Mitch says as he plays with Liam's dark brown hair. Scott sits on the bed next to Mitch.

"Liam, this is baby Hudson. Remember, Daddy had a baby in his belly? Hudson was that baby." Scott says as he explains Hudson to Liam. Liam looks at his new baby brother in awe. "You can touch him, Liam. Be soft." Mitch says quietly to Liam. Liam touches Hudson's little hand and Hudson holds Liam's finger. "Aw, that is very sweet Liam." Scott says. Hudson opens his brown chocolate eyes and looks at Liam. "Look Li Li, Hudson is looking at you." Mitch whispers to Liam with a smile.

"Hi Huddy." Liam says quietly to his little brother. Liam touches Hudson's face softly. "Daddy, why does Huddy have gloves on his hands?" Liam asks Mitch curiously. "They are mittens. Babies nails can be sharp and Papa and I do not want Hudson to scratch his face." Mitch says to Liam. Hudson yawns and wiggles a little bit in Mitch's arms. Liam giggles.

"Huddy is bald!" Liam says and Mitch and Scott both giggle. "He isn't bald Liam, his hair is blonde just like Papa's." Mitch says with a chuckle as he looks at Scott. Scott smirks at the funny comment.

"Liam, would you like to hold Hudson?" Scott asks Liam. Liam nods with a huge grin on his face. Scott grabs the boppy pillow and wraps it around Liam's little waist. Mitch hands Scott, Hudson and Scott gently places him on the boppy pillow. "There you go, Liam. Support his head. There you go. You got it bud!" Mitch whispers. Scott begins to take pictures of his sons together for the very first time. Liam kisses Hudson's cheek. "Good job, Liam. Being very sweet to Hudson." Scott says with a smile. "I wuv Huddy!" Liam says.

After five minutes, Scott hands Hudson back to Mitch to hold. "Liam, Hudson got you a big brother present! Look! Papa has it." Mitch says with excitement. Liam's bright blue eyes light up as he sees the bag.

"Hudson got you this present because he is so happy and excited for you to be his big brother! He loves you very much!" Scott says with a big smile. Scott holds the bag while Liam opens it. In the bag is a dog stuffed animal, a big brother book and the Mario Kart game. "Thank you Huddy. I wuv you." Liam says as he kisses Hudson's forehead.

Mitch and Scott feel happiness knowing they have two amazing boys. :)

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