Welcoming Daisy

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**I wonder who Daisy is? :) Hope you enjoy! ~ Bree

Mitch and Scott are at rehearsal for Pentatonix. Alex and Jake are watching Sophia, Hudson and Liam. It is a rainy day in LA, which is a rarity. Mitch and Scott took Isabella with them because of her being still a little baby. Alex is painting with Sophia and Hudson, while Liam and Jake are playing checkers.

"You beat me! You are good at this Liam!" Jake says with a smile. "Papa taught me!" Liam says with a tiny giggle. "Uncle Alex, I need help!" Hudson says to Alex. "What's up bud?" Alex says, walking over to Hudson. "I made a mess all over my shirt." Hudson says with paint all over the front of his shirt. "Uh oh! It's okay Huddy. Let's go upstairs and change your shirt. Jakey! Can you watch Sophia for me real quick? I need to change Huddy's shirt." Alex says as he takes Hudson upstairs to change his shirt. "Okay babycakes!" Jake says walking in. "Sophie, your painting is so pretty!" Jake says smiling at Sophia. Sophia looks at Jake with a cheeky smile.

Alex comes back downstairs with Hudson. "Okay kiddos, what would you guys like to have for lunch?" Alex asks the kids. "Ice cream!" Hudson says with a smile. Alex laughs. "I don't think so bud." Alex says and Sophie walks towards the window and pounds on the glass. "Sophie, what do you see?" Jake asks. "Doggy!" Sophia says. "A dog! Can we bring the doggy in Uncle Jake please?" Hudson says.

Jake agrees. He runs in the rain to get the baby beagle puppy. "Aw! Look at the baby beagle guys!" Alex says with a grin. "I am going to get a towel for the pup." Alex says as he runs upstairs and to get a towel.

Sophia walks over to the scared pup, who licked her face. Sophia giggles. "Uncle Jake, does the puppy have a leash or a tag on?" Liam asks. "I don't see one! This pup is a little girl. How adorable. She looks so scared!" Jake says as he comforts the puppy. The kids give the puppy kisses and hugs. Alex comes back downstairs with a towel. "I think we are going to have get this pup a bath. Scott and Mitch will scream if they see mud anywhere." Alex says as he laughs.

"I'll take her upstairs to bathe her, probably with Scott or Mitch's shampoo. You can feed the kids lunch." Jake says as he picks up the puppy and kisses Alex. Alex makes sandwiches for the kids and feeds Wyatt.

"Uncle Alex!" Hudson says. "What's up Hud Hud?" Alex says. "What is the puppy going to eat? We don't have puppy food!" Hudson says with a frown. "I'm sure the puppy can eat something in the fridge until Papa and Daddy come home. Jake and the puppy come downstairs. The puppy and Wyatt smell each other and snuggle on the floor. "Here's some chicken we can feed the puppy. Here you go puppy!" Alex says, giving the puppy chicken in a small bowl. Jake fills up a water bowl for Wyatt and the puppy.

A few hours later, Mitch, Isabella and Scott come home from rehearsals. Sophia is sleeping on Jake's lap, while Alex plays on the floor with the boys. "Daddy! Papa!" Liam and Hudson say as they run to Mitch and Scott. "Hey guys! Did you two have fun with Uncle Alex and Uncle Jake?" Mitch asks the boys. The boys both happily nod. Scott puts Isabella's car seat down. "The kids have been fine! We played, ate, Sophia is still napping. She's been sleeping for an hour now. They found a dog." Alex says.

"A dog? What dog?" Mitch says with a surprise look on his face. "The dog is in the kitchen snuggling with Wyatt. I gave her a bath. Sophia found her outside and we rescued her." Jake says with a proud smile. Scott and Mitch walk into the kitchen to see the puppy sleeping with Wyatt. "Aw! What a cute puppy!" Scott says as he smiles at Mitch. "She is really nice to the kids. She's lets them hug and kiss her, no growling. I fed her plain white chicken and Jakey bathed her." Alex says. Alex and Jake talk with Mitch and Scott for a few more minutes. They hug the kids and leave.

"Papa, Daddy, can we keep the puppy? Please!" Liam says. Scott looks at Mitch. "We have to see if the puppy has a home first. If not, we can keep her." Mitch says looking at Scott. Scott smiles with agreement. "Yay!" Liam and Hudson say happily. After looking through the whole neighborhood, Scott did not find the puppy's owner. "I'll take her to the vet to get her checked out." Scott says as he kisses Mitch. "Okay, be careful baby. I love you." Mitch says. "I love you too." Scott says as he picks up the puppy and heads out the door.

Scott and the puppy leave to go to the vet. Sophia wakes up. "Doggy!" Sophia says she begins to cry. "Sophie, Papa took the doggy to get checked out at the vet. They are coming back!" Mitch says, hugging Sophia and comforting her. "Wyatt loves the puppy!" Hudson says as he smiles at Wyatt. "What do you guys want to name the puppy?" Mitch asks the boys and Sophia. Isabella begins to fuss and Mitch heads to the kitchen and makes her a bottle quickly.

Mitch comes back and begins to feed Isabella. "Daisy!" Hudson says. "I like Daisy too!" Liam says. "Do you like the name Daisy, Sophia?" Mitch asks and Sophia nods smiling.

Scott comes in with the puppy in his arms with a pink sweater on. "Daisy!" Hudson and Liam say as they run over to Scott. "She doesn't have a microchip or anything so she is ours." Scott says with a smile. "The kids have named her Daisy." Mitch says, smirking at Scott. Mitch and Scott kiss. Wyatt comes over and kisses Daisy. "Aw, Wy Wy loves Daisy!" Liam says with a giggle. "Daisy is a cute name! She looks like a Daisy." Scott says as he pets Daisy. Mitch kisses Daisy's head and she licks Mitch's hand. Daisy then sniffs Isabella. "Aw good job Daisy! So sweet." Scott says, rubbing Daisy's belly.

"I bought her a bed, food, shampoo, some toys, treats, and a sweater." Scott says. "Welcome home Daisy Aphrodite Grassi-Hoying." Mitch says smiling kissing Daisy's forehead.

Welcome home Daisy :)

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