First Day Of School!

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*Hudson's first day of kindergarten and Liam's first day of third grade! Mitch is seven months pregnant with Sawyer here :) Love you guys! • Bree 🍭*

Mitch is getting the boy's lunches ready for school while Scott is feeding Isabella and Sophia is eating her breakfast next to Scott. The boys are upstairs getting dressed and ready for their first day of school.

Candice is going to stay at the house with the girls, while Mitch and Scott take the boys to school to school.

"How do you feel about Hudson going to school?" Candice asks Mitch with a smile.

"I'm very happy for him, he was a little scared last night and I had to rub his back to get him to sleep. I'm very emotional too, my baby boy is going to school!" Mitch says with a smile.

"Aw! Sophia is next!" Candice says as she bounces Isabella on her leg.

"Don't even start with that! I'm getting old! She is going to preschool soon!" Mitch says as he pours himself tea in his glass.

Liam comes down the steps. Liam is wearing gray skinny jeans, a bright green Nike t-shirt and his black and white Nike Air Max shoes. Liam's dark brown hair is spiked into a little mohawk.

"Look at this handsome little dude!" Scott says with a smile.

"You look so sporty, Liam. I never thought one of my kids would be so into sports! It's so cute!" Mitch says as he kisses Liam's cheek.

"Hi, Auntie Candice!" Liam says as he hugs her.

"Hey! You are growing up so fast! So tall!" Candice says as she smiles at Liam. Hudson comes down the steps with his hair brush.

"Daddy, Papa, I need help with my hair!" Hudson says.

"Come here, I'll do it." Scott says with a big smile. Scott begins to brush Hudson's blonde hair and puts gel in it.

Hudson is wearing black jeans, a blue and gray striped shirt on, and he has black Vans on.

"Auntie Candice!" Hudson says.

"Huddy! You have grown a lot too! Mitch, these boys will be taller then you soon!" Candice says as she laughs.

"They are going to be tall, just like Scott." Mitch says proudly.

Candice smiles at Liam and Hudson. "Look at these cool boys! The first day of school is always a lot of fun! I want you guys to have a great day!" Candice says as she hugs Liam and Hudson.

"Thank you, Auntie Candice!" Liam says as he high fives Candice.

"Thank you!" Hudson says with a smile as Candice hugs him.

"We need to take first day of school pictures!" Mitch says as he hands his camera to Candice.

Candice takes several pictures of Scott, Mitch, Liam and Hudson. Liam and Hudson hold chalkboards that Mitch bought.

Liam's chalkboard says "First Day of Third Grade" while Hudson's chalkboard says "First Day of Kindergarten"

"My big boys!" Mitch says as he kisses Hudson and Liam. Scott puts Liam and Hudson's lunches in their book bags.

"Okay, let's give Sophie and Issy some kisses and then we need to go." Scott says as he puts a hat on.

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