Hudson's Class Party!

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*Hudson has a party at his preschool and
Mitch comes to help! 💚 Hope you guys enjoy! Send requests! Love all the support! ~Bree❤️

Hudson's preschool is having a class party! Parents are allowed to volunteer and Mitch has decided to go, while Scott will be home with the girls and to work on some songs for a new album.

Mitch and Scott think it's very important to go to the boy's school and volunteer. Mitch is going to volunteer for this party while Scott will do the next party!

Mitch decides to bring gluten free cupcakes and cookies for Hudson's class party. Scott is relaxing on the couch with Isabella and Sophia next to him.

"Hey Scott, I am going to head to Hudson's class party now. Do you need anything?" Mitch asks.

"A kiss!" Scott says with a smile.

Mitch giggles and kisses Scott softly.

"Soph, Issy, be good girls for Papa, okay?" Mitch says.

"Okay!" Sophia says.

Mitch kisses Sophia and a sleeping Isabella.

"Take a lot of pictures!" Scott says with a smile.

"I will. Text me if you need anything, love." Mitch says with a smile and heads out the door.

Meanwhile at school, Hudson is working on his painting with a few of his friends.

"Five more minutes until cleanup time! Then our mommies and daddies are coming for our party!" Mrs. Green says with a big grin.

"Hud, is your Daddy or Papa coming to the party?" Mariah asks as she colors her picture.

"My Daddy! Papa will come next time! Papa is watching my sissys!" Hudson says with a grin.

"My mommy is bringing yummy fruit!" Mariah says.

Ten minutes later, Hudson and his classmates begin to clean up. Hudson's classmate's mommies and daddies begin to come in.

Mitch walks in as he talks to some of the other moms. Mitch then walks over to Hudson.

"Daddy!" Hudson says as he hugs Mitch.

"Hey, bud! Are you having fun?" Mitch asks and Hudson nods.

Mitch takes the food he brought over to the food table.

"Mr. Grassi-Hoying! Thank you so much for coming!" Mrs. Green says with a smile at Mitch and shaking his hand.

"It's no problem! The cookies and cupcakes are gluten free with no peanuts." Mitch says.

"That's wonderful, thank you very much! How is your husband and the other children?" Mrs. Green says.

"Scott is well! He's watching the girls and working on songs. Liam is doing amazing in second grade! Scott will be coming to the next party!" Mitch says, smiling.

"I am glad everybody is well! Hudson talks a lot about his siblings, you and Scott. It's really cute." Mrs. Green says.

Mitch smiles and talks to Mrs. Green for a few more minutes, then walks over to Hudson's desk.

"Huddy! Are you having fun?" Mitch asks as he rubs Hudson's back.

"Yes, Daddy!" Hudson says with food in his mouth. Mitch giggles.

"Don't talk with a bunch of food in your mouth, bud." Mitch says as he sits in the tiny chair.

"Hi!" Mariah says waving at Mitch.

"Hi, Mariah!" Mitch says waving at Mariah.

"Wow! Hudson looks just like you! His blonde hair is gorgeous." Mariah's mom says with a smile.

"Thank you very much! He gets his hair from his Papa, right Hud?" Mitch says and Hudson nods.

Mitch talks to the other parents there and ate cookies with Hudson.

"Daddy! I drew this for you!" Hudson says as he shows Mitch his drawing.

"Aw! Thank you, baby!" Mitch says as he kisses Hudson's cheek. Mitch and Hudson take a selfie together.

"Which picture do you like, Huddy?" Mitch asks Hudson.

Hudson looks through the pictures. All of Mitch and Scott's kiddos love to get their picture taken.

"This one, Daddy! We look good!" Hudson says and Mitch laughs.

Hudson's friend Brecken's mom begins to giggle and Mitch giggles too.

"All my kids love their picture taken and love to pose." Mitch says.

Mitch posts the picture on Instagram with the caption: "Class party with this cutie pie💚"

After two hours, the party is over and Hudson gets his back pack, telling his friends goodbye.

"See you Monday!" Hudson says as he waves at his friends.

"Do you have everything before we get Liam?" Mitch asks and Hudson nods.

"Have a good weekend, Hudson!" Mrs. Green says as she waves at Hudson.

"You too, Mrs. Green!" Hudson says as he holds Mitch's hand.

"I had so much fun today, Daddy!" Hudson says.

"I had fun too, baby boy! Let's pick up Liam and we can go home to see Papa and sissys." Mitch says with a smile as he picks up Hudson.

Hudson had a fun class party! :)

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