Scott's New Tattoo!

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**Leave suggestions below! Follow me social media! Hope you guys enjoy! I am watching tattoo nightmares as I wrote this lol! ~Bree💋

Mitch and the girls are out with Kirstie having a girl day, heading to get their nails done. Scott, Liam and Hudson are at the house relaxing. Scott is finishing up his tattoo design he has been wanting to get for a while. The tattoo is the kids names shaped in music notes. It also has two music notes holding their hands to symbolize himself and Mitch.

"That's so cool, Papa!" Liam says with a smile. "I like it Papa!" Hudson says as he hugs Scott. "Do you guys mind heading to the tattoo shop with me?" Scott asks. Hudson and Liam nod happily. "Let's pack some toys just in case it takes a long time." Scott says as he heads into the kitchen to pack a bag.

Scott brings snacks and toys for the boys. The boys run to the car, and Scott locks the house up. "Let's go!" Scott says with a smile. "Papa! I wanna sing!" Hudson says. "What do you want to sing?" Scott asks. "Natural Disaster!" Hudson says. Scott, Liam and Hudson sing as Scott drives to the tattoo shop.

Scott, Liam and Hudson walk in the tattoo shop. Scott shows the tattoo artist his design and sits down to wait. "How old you have to be to get a tattoo, Papa?" Liam asks looking at all the tattoo designs on the wall. "Eighteen buddy. And when you decide to get one, make sure it has meaning, or special to you. Do not let people push you to get one." Scott says as he tells Liam some advice. The tattoo artist Mike, calls Scott to get started. "Huddy, Li Li come on." Scott says as Hudson and Liam follow behind.

Hudson plays a game on his iPad while Liam watches a movie on his iPad. "This is a nice design man, did you design it yourself?" Mike says as he begins to tattoo Scott. "Yeah, I actually drew it a while back, but I changed it a little bit and I really wanted to get it done." Scott says. "What do you do for a living?" Mike asks as he dips his pen into the ink. "I am in the band Pentatonix, along with my husband." Scott says with a smile.

"Oh, I heard of you guys! You guys are awesome!" Mike says. "Thank you very much." Scott says. "I always ask my clients this, what is the symbolism with this tattoo?" Mike asks.

"The music notes are because I am a musician. the two music notes that are wrapped like they are holding hands symbolizes my husband Mitch and I. It symbolizes our amazing bond we have had since we were ten. The other music notes with the names wrapped around them are my kids. They are my world and I am so grateful to have them, and a fantastic husband. These two tattoos are matching with him." Scott says showing Mike his tattoos on his fingers.

"That's nice man! I have two kids, ten and seven. How old are your kids?" Mike says shading in one of the music notes. "Liam is seven, Hudson is four, Sophia is twenty months and Isabella is two months." Scott says looking at the boys, making sure they were okay. They were both busy with their iPads. "A new baby! Congratulations!" Mike says dipping his pen in the ink again.

"Thank you very much. The boys are right there. The girls are with their dad having a spa day." Scott giggles. Mike finishes up the last music note. "Okay man, you are all done." Mike says as he holds a mirror for Scott to look. "Holy crap! This looks fantastic! Thank you very much!" Scott says as he shakes Mike's hand. "You're welcome! I'm glad you love your new tattoo!" Mike says smiling. Scott gives Mike an autograph and leaves with the boys.

"Does it hurt, Papa?" Hudson asks. "A little bit bud. It feels like a sunburn." Scott says as he drives the boys to get something to eat, then home. Once home, Scott and the boys play a game of Trouble. "Haha! Go back home Huddy!" Liam says as he hits Hudson's marker on the board. "Aw man!" Hudson says as he puts his player back in the home spot. Mitch comes in with a sleeping Isabella and cranky Sophia.

"I know Sophia, you are tired, look there's Papa, Li Li and Huddy!" Mitch says pointing to Scott and the boys. "Hey Sophie, come here." Scott says. Sophia walks over and climbs into Scott's arms and begins to get fussy. "It's time to take a nap, isn't it baby?" Scott says taking Sophia in her bedroom. Mitch puts Isabella in the pack 'n play to take her nap. "Boys, why does Papa have a bandage on his back?" Mitch asks confused. "Papa went and got colored on by Mike." Hudson says.

"Oh, you guys went to a tattoo shop?" Mitch says as he begins to get somewhat mad. He didn't want to boys going to a place like a tattoo shop at a young age they were. "Yeah it was cool! We went to Chiptole too Daddy, Papa got you a burrito bowl!" Liam says. Mitch smiles and gets his burrito bowl out of the fridge. Scott walks slowly down the steps and hugs Mitch from behind.

"I missed you, baby." Scott says kissing Mitch's cheek. "Aw! I missed you too!" Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "The boys told me their fun day!" Mitch says with a smirk. Scott giggles. "Oh, they told you about the tattoo?" Scott asks nervously. "They just told me they went there. Show me your tattoo later, love." Mitch says with a smile and kisses Scott's cheek.

After a few hours and getting all the kids to bed, Mitch and Scott are getting ready for bed. "Mitchy." Scott calls for Mitch. "I'm coming love." Mitch says as he puts Isabella in her co-sleeper. Mitch walks into the bathroom. "Can you put the ointment on my tattoo. Please?" Scott says pouting his lips. "Of course, baby. I hope I don't hurt you taking this bandage off." Mitch says as he slowly takes Scott's bandage off.

Mitch removes the bandage off and looks at Scott's tattoo. "You like it, baby?" Scott says with a grin. Mitch nods with tears rolling down his cheeks. He regains his composure and puts the ointment on Scott's back. "Ah, that feels so good, Mitchy. It burns like a bitch." Scott says. "Tell me what this tattoo means to you." Mitch ask Scott.

"The tattoo guy asked me that question too. The music notes are for my love of music, and for Pentatonix. The two music notes that are wrapped like they are holding hands are me and you. It's shows how our bond is perfect and strong. The other music notes are for the kids. Their names are wrapped around the music notes." Scott says. "Who designed this?" Mitch asks as he finishes rubbing the ointment on Scott's tattoo.

"I did love, I designed it while we were on tour. I had to add Isabella, so I changed the design a little bit." Scott says. Mitch hugs Scott cautiously. "It's so beautiful Scott, I love it and I am so shocked you got something in honor of me." Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "Aw, you're welcome, love. I'm glad you love it, because I love it too. It symbolizes the five important people in my life." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

Mitch yawns. "Let's lay down, baby." Scott whispers and he and Mitch lay down. "I hope I don't keep you up rolling around." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's face. "It's fine, love. If you need anything or want ointment on your back, wake me up Scott." Mitch says. "I will baby, thank you." Scott says. Mitch and Scott kiss and fall asleep. :)

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