Hudson's Big Boy Room

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*Scott and Mitch decided to redecorate Hudson's room to make it not babyish anymore. Hudson is three almost four in this one shot. Hope you guys enjoy! Love you guys! ~ Bree ❤️

Mitch walks upstairs into Hudson's bedroom. Scott is finishing up the painting. Mitch smiles. "It looks awesome, baby. Hudson's bed has shipped, so it should be here today sometime." Mitch says as he kisses Scott's cheek. "I hope Hudson likes it." Scott says kissing Mitch again. "He is going to love it, especially getting a new bed. He needs a bed rail so he doesn't fall." Mitch says.

The bed finally arrives and Scott's reads the directions to set it up. "I am so glad I have a smart husband like you. I could never do shit like this." Mitch says as he laugh. Scott laughs back. "Aw, you are sweet love. How about you rest baby. You have been doing a lot." Scott says blowing Mitch a kiss. Mitch smiles. "Isabella is kicking the crap out of me right now." Mitch says as he sits down, checking his phone. Scott smiles at Mitch.

"How do the letters look?" Mitch says as he takes the letters out of the bag. The letters are gray with yellow and white stars. "They look fucking awesome, babe. We can put them above his bed." Scott says pointing to the spot. "I don't want them falling on him, Scott." Mitch says with a worried look. "I will make sure they won't babe, I promise. Scott says as he sits on Hudson's bed. "This bed is so comfy." Scott says stretching out on the bed. Scott puts the bed rail in place too.

Mitch brings Hudson's new comforter, Hudson's favorite blanket, and Hudson's Eeyore stuffed animal. "The letters look good!" Mitch says with a smile and Scott smiles back. Mitch and Scott hang little stars and planets around the room. Scott and Mitch step back to look at Hudson's new room. "I love it." Mitch says proudly. "I love it too. Stay here with Sophie, I'll get the boys from school." Scott says kissing Mitch.

"You are the best Scotty, thank you." Mitch says sitting in the living room relaxing with a sleeping Sophia in his arms. Scott picks up the boys from school. Hudson and Liam run in, kissing and hugging Mitch. "Hey boys! Did you guys have a good day?" Mitch asks. Hudson nods handing Mitch a picture he drew of Mitch and Scott hugging. "I did Daddy!" Liam says smiling. "Aw! Thank you Hudson! What a pretty picture!" Mitch says as he kisses Hudson's cheek.

"Huddy, Daddy and I finished your big boy room!" Scott says smiling. "Yeah! Let's go look at it!" Mitch says excitedly. Liam and Hudson run upstairs. Scott picks up a half asleep Sophia, who just woke up from her nap. Hudson opens the door and looks around at his new decorated room! "Woah! Look how cool Huddy!" Liam says. "Planets! Look Papa!" Hudson says. "Yeah! Aren't they cool?" Scott says and Hudson nods.

"Look at your new bed baby! This is a big boy bed." Mitch says patting on Hudson's new bed. Hudson climbs on his new bed and relaxes. "Comfy!" Hudson says as he stretches out. "Good! This thing right here is to make sure you won't fall off, okay? This bed is higher then your other bed. Papa and I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself." Mitch says. "I like your blankets Huddy!" Liam says. "We can share them!" Hudson says.

"Do you love your new room? You have your clothes over here in your dresser, and your toy box. Papa put some small bookshelves for you so you can grab the books yourself. Your little art table too." Mitch tells Hudson. "Thank you Daddy and Papa!" Hudson says. "You're welcome sweet boy!" Scott says kissing Hudson. After dinner and homework, it's time for bed. Mitch and Scott take Sophia into her room, she already fell asleep during story time.

Scott and Mitch take Hudson to bed. "Goodnight sweet boy. I love you so much." Mitch says kissing Hudson. "Goodnight Hudson. I hope you sleep well baby boy." Scott says tucking Hudson in. "Do you want your night light on baby?" Mitch asks Hudson and he nods yes. Scott turns it on. The night light is stars that go across the room.

"If you have trouble sleeping buddy just come wake me or Daddy up okay?" Scott says kissing Hudson's forehead. "Goodnight Daddy! Goodnight Papa!" Hudson say. "Goodnight sweety. Sleep well." Mitch says giving Hudson lots of kisses. Hudson soon drifts off to sleep. Mitch and Scott head to Liam's room to wish him goodnight and pass out in their bed.

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