We Are Going To Disneyland!

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*If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments! The adventure of Disneyland will be a separate part! • Bree*

Mitch and Scott have woken up super early today, because they are going to take Liam and Hudson to Disneyland! They are waiting for Liam to wake up. Mitch has Hudson dressed with a Mickey Mouse shirt and a pair of jeans.

"You look so handsome, baby boy!" Mitch says kisses Hudson's chunky cheek.

Scott finishes blow drying his hair in the master bathroom and walks out to where Mitch is.

Mitch has a Little Mermaid shirt on, while Scott has a Monster Inc. shirt on.

"You look adorable, baby." Mitch says with a smirk as he kisses Scott.

"You look gorgeous, Mitchy." Scott says and he spanks Mitch's butt.

"Hey! Don't be naughty! We are going to the happiest place on Earth." Mitch says playfully smacking Scott.

"Let's wake Liam up Huddy so we can head to Disneyland!" Scott says as he picks up Hudson.

Scott tickles Hudson and he giggles loudly. Mitch open Liam's bedroom door quietly. Liam is fast asleep with his teddy bear in his hand. He looks just like Scott when he sleeps.

Scott holds Hudson and stands in the doorway. Mitch begins to rub Liam's back.

"Li Li. It's time to wake up bud." Mitch says softly.

Liam begins to wake up. He stretches and looks at Mitch.

"Hey, baby boy. We gotta get ready to go. Papa and I have a surprise for you." Mitch says as he moves Liam's hair out of his face.

"Where are we going Daddy and Papa?" Liam asks as he climbs out of his bed.

Mitch begins to make Liam's bed and Scott comes in with Hudson.

"Morning, Papa! Morning, Huddy!" Liam says.

"Good morning, bud! We will tell you when you eat breakfast and get dressed, okay?" Scott says as he hugs Liam.

Liam runs downstairs with Scott holding Hudson. Mitch follows behind with Liam's dirty laundry basket.

Scott sets Hudson in his high chair and Liam sits next to him.

"Daddy, Ariel is on your shirt!" Liam smiles at Mitch.

"I know she is! Isn't she pretty?" Mitch says to Liam and Liam nods.

Scott brings breakfast for Liam, Mitch and himself. Scott multi tasks and feeds Hudson baby food while eating.

"Papa and I have decided to take you and Hudson to some where very fun this weekend!" Mitch says with a smile and looks at Scott.

"Where! Where!" Liam says with a big smile. Scott and Mitch look at each other and smile.

"We are going to Disneyland!" Scott and Mitch say in unison and Liam's face lights up with a smile.

"When are we going?" Liam asks his parents.

"Today! We are going today and tomorrow!" Scott says as he finishes feeding Hudson.

"You are going to meet Olaf, Elsa, Anna, and all your other favorites!" Mitch says giggling.

"Yay! Thank you, Daddy! Thank you, Papa!" Liam says hugging Mitch and Scott.

"You're welcome, buddy!" Scott says.

Scott kisses Liam's cheek and picks up Hudson out of his high chair.

"You're welcome, sweet boy! Let's go upstairs and pack our bags!" Mitch says with a big smile.

Liam runs upstairs with Mitch.

"Daddy who is going to watch Wyatt? I don't want him to be by himself!" Liam says with concern.

"Uncle Avi and Uncle Kevin are going to pick him up later today!" Mitch says to Liam.

Mitch packs Liam and Hudson's bag for Disney.

"Li Li, which one do you want to wear? Your Elsa shirt or your Olaf shirt?" Mitch asks Liam as he holds the two shirts up.

"Olaf!" Liam says.

Mitch helps Liam get dressed.

"There you go baby boy, all ready to go." Mitch says as he puts Liam's hair brush away.

"Can you spike my hair like Papa does with his hair!" Liam asks Mitch and Mitch giggles.

"Sure buddy!" Mitch begins to spike Liam's hair.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Liam says hugging Mitch.

Scott grabs the suit cases and heads to the car. Mitch makes a snack bag for himself, Scott and Liam. Also he brings s few bottles of formula for Hudson and baby snacks.

"Huddy is getting sleepy, Daddy!" Liam says to Mitch.

"I know he is, he will take a nap during the car ride." Mitch says.

"Everything is in the car babe." Scott says to Mitch as they kiss.

"Are you ready to go Liam?" Scott asks Liam as he picks him up.

"Yes, Papa!" Liam says with a big smile.

Mitch goes out first with Hudson and Scott follows behind, locking the door.

Mitch buckles a sleepy Hudson. He covers him up with a his Winnie the Pooh blanket. Hudson yawns.

"There you go Huddy, all ready for Disney!" Mitch says, kissing Hudson's forehead.

Scott begins to buckle Liam in his car seat and Liam begins to realize he forgot something.

"Where's Teddy!" Liam says as he begins to cry.

"Aw, don't cry Liam. I'll go back in the house and get him, along with your blankey. Don't cry, bud." Scott says as he runs back into the house.

"It's okay Liam. Don't cry sweetheart. Papa is getting Teddy." Mitch says as he tries to calm Liam.

Scott comes back out with Liam's teddy bear, Teddy and his blanket.

"Here you go, buddy. When we go to Disney we are going to keep Teddy in the hotel, okay? We don't want to loose him." Scott says as he kisses Liam's forehead.

"Thank you, Papa!" Liam says as he hugs his teddy bear.

"You're welcome, bud." Scott smiles as he covers Liam's legs up with Liam's plaid blanket.

Scott gets in the driver's seat. "Are you all ready to go, Liam?" Mitch asks Liam.

"Yes, Daddy!" Liam says with a smile.

"We are on our way to Disney!" Scott says as he backs out of the drive way.

They all listened to Disney music the whole ride there. Hudson slept the whole ride there, while Liam played on his iPad. Scott and Mitch held hands and Mitch read Tyler Oakley's book Binge. After an hour drive they finally made it to Disney! :)

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