Teething Pains

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**Liam is 5 and Hudson is 2 in this one shot! Yes, two year olds can still teethe, I did research! Haha. Hope you enjoy!** ~Bree💞

Scott is spending the day with Hudson, while Mitch runs errands and Liam is at school. Scott asks Hudson to put his toys away. Hudson has an epic tantrum and begins to throw his toys. One of the toys almost hits Wyatt. "Hudson! Come here right now." Hudson screams back. "NO!" Scott heads over to Hudson, picks him up and puts him on timeout.

Scott heads in the kitchen and sets the timer. While Scott waits for the timer to finish, Mitch and Liam come home. "Hey baby." Mitch smiles at Scott and kisses him twice. "Hi Papa!" Liam says hugging Scott. "Hey bud! How was school today?" Scott asks Liam as he hands him a drink. "I had a good day Papa! Thank you for the juice!" Liam says as he begins his homework.

"Where's Hudson?" Mitch asks as he eats a granola bar. "He is in time out. He has been so cranky today. And he won't listen. I asked him to put his toys away and he just started throwing everything in sight. I never seen him act like that. He's on time out for not listening and throwing his toys." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's shoulders. "He woke up very cranky today. He is usually a happy boy when he wakes up." Mitch says as he pours a cup of tea.

The timer begins to beep loudly. Scott and Mitch head over to Hudson, who is sitting on the bottom step. Hudson has tears coming down his cheeks. "Hudson, look at me please. Thank you. Hudson, I put you in time out because you did not listen to me and threw your toys. You could have hurt Wyatt or broke something. What do you say?" Scott says looking at Hudson in the eyes. "I'm sworry Papa." Hudson says sniffling. "I accept your apology buddy. Can I have a hug?" Scott says to Hudson. Hudson nods and he hugs Scott tightly. Scott kisses Hudson's forehead tenderly.

Hudson turns around and sees Mitch. "Hi baby boy." Mitch says smiling at Hudson. Hudson hugs Mitch and Mitch kisses Hudson cheek. "Ears hurt Daddy and Papa." Hudson says to Mitch and Scott. "Huddy, can I look in your mouth?" Mitch asks tenderly. Hudson reluctantly opens his mouth for Mitch to look inside.

Mitch looks in Hudson's mouth using the flashlight from his iPhone. Hudson's final set of molars are coming in and all at the same time. "No wonder you are fussy baby boy." Mitch says kissing Hudson's forehead. Hudson tugs on his ears. "I know your mouth hurts baby boy. Scott, can you get me the children's Tylenol please?" Scott hands Mitch a dose of Tylenol for Hudson. "Thank you Scotty. Here you go Huddy." Mitch says rubbing Hudson's head. Hudson takes the Tylenol. "Yucky Daddy." Hudson says with a disgusted look on his face.

"I know Huddy, but it will make you feel better." Mitch says as he picks up Hudson. Mitch heads to the kitchen table where Liam is doing his homework. "Good job buddy! Your handwriting is so neat!" Mitch says to Liam. Liam smiles. Scott sits next to Liam. "What do you have to write about bud?" Scott asks Liam.

"I have to write about my family." Liam says as he finishes writing his sentence. Liam hands the paper to Scott to read. Liam's paper says: "My name is Liam. I have two dads. Daddy and Papa. Hudson is my baby brother. Sophia is my baby sister. She is coming in December. I have a kitty cat. His name is Wyatt. I love my family."

"Good job Li Li! Everything is spelled correctly and it is very neat!" Scott says complementing Liam's work. Hudson falls asleep in Mitch's arms. "Someone is tired." Mitch says whispering. He kisses Hudson's head and takes him to the couch. Mitch covers Hudson up and walks back in the kitchen. "Okay bud, your homework is all done. You can go and play until dinner okay?" Scott says cleaning up. "Okay Papa!" Liam says running in the playroom.

Mitch and Scott kiss. "I love you Scotty." Mitch says. "I love you too." Scott smiles.

Hudson feels better after a few days! :)

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