Dream Sans x Reader

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You sit on your bed thinking about your friend. Well you wish he was more than a friend. You and Dream have been friends for a year and 2 months (so specific) and you've grown feelings for this adorible  skeleton. Currently Dream was hanging out with Ink and Blueberry and you wished you were with them. So to pass the time you decided to listen to music.

(time skip)

Dreams pov:

I say bye to Ink and Blue and I teliport to (Your names) house. I have a huge crush on her but I don't know if she likes me back. I talked to Nightmare and he said to just tell her but I'm to nervous to. So I decided to tell her today. I walk to her room and here singing. Is that (Your name)? I open the door and listen to her sing.

(The song above is what you sing)

Your pov:

You finish singing and realize that Dream was watching you sing."Dream! When did you get here?" He could tell you were startled."I didn't me to startle you i-i just over herd you singing and it sounded really pretty and-" you cut him off in the middle of his sentence. "You think my singing is pretty?" You ask. "Yeah it is and your pretty too and what I'm saying is that I-im in love with you!!!" You walk over to Dream and hug him
"I love you to Dreamy"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now