Reporter!Jim x Reader x Cameraman!Jim

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No one asked for this
Reporter Jim is referded to as James and Cameraman is Jimmy


You sat on the kitchen table on your phone, eating a piece of pizza, and listening to music with your ear buds in but only on of them in your ear. It was one of those rare quiet days in the iplier mansion; which is very suspicious cause of Wilford and especially your boyfriends, The Jim Twins or as they wanna be called, James and Jimmy; Jimmy being adopted and being the younger one. You nicknamed then the gods of destruction cause they could be walking down the hall and something would break. They also try to summon demons but it never works or they just summon Dark on accident.

Currently The Jim Twins where going through the house and trying to interview people for some weird reason. They had interviewed everyone, except Dark, and just had to interview you now. "James, do we know where Y/n is?" Jimmy asked James. "I don't know Jimmy but we will look!" He turned to his brother and said. They both ran around the house looking for you untill they went into the kitchen. "We found them James!" Jimmy yelled. You looked up at both of them and smiled. They ran over to you and Jimmy pointed the camera and you and James held the microphone up to you. "How's the prettiest person in the world doing?" James asked you. You chuckled at him. "I don't know James, let me ask." You smirked and looked at Jimmy. "How are you today Jimmy?" You asked him. His face looks flustered and excited. "I'm doing good!" He exclaimed. James pouted. "I thought I was more pretty?" He asked. "You have the same face." They looked at eachother other, then looked back at you. "What are you talking about?" James asked. "We don't look the same." Jimmy added. You stared at them. "Your joking right?" They both shook there head in disagreement.

"Y/n are you feeling ok?"

"Do we need to get Dr.iplier?"

"I think I saw a demon in Darks office"

"DEMON!?" James yelled. He turned to Jimmy and says, "Let's go!" He says. They both run to Darks office.

Works everytime.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now