Antisepticeye x Neko!Reader

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Today's the day. The day that Dark comes over. Anti was pacing around the living room with his hands behind his back. He kept mumbling to him self. "Dark...Collar...Bitch....Bad idea" were the only words you could here.

"Anti, Dear, please calm down. Dark won't be here for another half hour. You have nothing to worry about." Anti looks at you. He sighs. "Your right. I need to calm down." He walkes over to the couch and sits by you. He wraps his arms around your waist and picks you up so your sitting on his lap. He scratches behind your ears and you pur. He knows you love getting scratched behind the ear.

Anti sighs. "This is acaualy helping me calm down" "me purring helps you relax?" You ask. "Yep" you giggle a little. Anti looks at the clock. "20 more minutes till Dark arrives" he say. "Anti, could you please tell me why your so freaked out about Dark?" "You know the shock collar I constantly were?" He asks. You nod your head yes.

"'s cause of Dark. I used him, For about a year. It was just all about sex and nothing else. Now Dark being as kinky as he is...he put this shock collar on me and refused to let me take it off. Even after we broke up he still wouldn't let me take it off. He still has the remote to it."

You put your forehead on his and look into his eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that". He chuckles. "No need to be sorry. It's not your fault Kitten." You smile at the nickname. You hear the door bell ring. You both look at the door and then back at each other. You could see the worry in Antis eyes.

Darks here.


There's only gonna be one more chapter of anti x neko reader. I would put Dark in this chapter but I want a whole chapter dedicated to you meeting Dark.

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