Bim Trimmer x reader part 2

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You stood out side Bims bedroom door. You didn't know if you should knock or come back later. You were  gonna tell him how you feel. You sigh and wrap your arms around your stomach and look down.

You here the door open and your head shoots up. You see Bim looking at at you. "Hey" he says with a smile. You blush so hard. "H-hi". Damn it you stuttered. "Do you need something?" He asks. "W-well" you bite your bottom lip.

Bim puts his hand on your forehead. "Your burning up! You feeling ok?" Your at a loss of words. He picks you up bridal style and lays you down on his bed. He lays right next to you and wraps his arms around your waist pulling  you closer to him.

Your face is red. It's so Damn red you could pinpoint your face on a map. He puts his chin on top of your head. You nuzzle his neck and he chuckles. "Your adorable" he says. Damn it your face is redder!

He puts his hand on your cheek and makes you look at him. "Your adorable when you blush. It really brings out your eyes." He says in a sexy voice. Your innocent little cinnamon bun, more like sin-nammon.

He presses his lips on your and wraps his hands around your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss back. It was passonate and filled with love. You both pull away catching your breath. Damn air! You ruin everything!!

"We should get some sleep. It's late" he says. You look at the clock. 11:17. Damn it was kinda late. "Ok" you snuggle up to him and smile. "Are we dating now?" You ask. "Yep" he says and kisses the top of your head. You yawn and fall asleep cuddled up to your new boyfriend.


The door was open slightly as wilford was taking pictures with his phone of you and Bim. "You better send those to me" Doc says. Wilford looks at the pics on his phone. He smirks. "I got a few of them making out" "really?" Host asks. "Yep" he shows them the pics. "The Host thinks we should use these as black mail". Wilford and Doc look at each other. They nod in agreement.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now