Pax (Mark, Jack, and Ethan)

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Yet another pax one but this time with Ethan!


You Mark, Jack, and Ethan were doing a panel at Pax. You were doing a Q and A becomes you didn't have anything better to do exempt the improve you were gonna do soon. "Y/n who is your favorite ego out of Mark and Jacks?" Ethan read. "Well...that's a though decision buy if I'm gonna have to pick out of Mark and Jacks, Host and Chase would be my favorites. But I really like all of em" you say. "NEXT QUESTION!" Jack shouted. "Are you gonna do that every time we finish a question?" Mark asks. Jack bids his head in agreement. Mark sighs. "Y/n how did you become friends with Mark and the others?" Mark reads. "I was friends with Amy for a while and see introduced me to Mark and the others" you say. "Well that's all the questions were gonna do. Time for improve!" Mark says. The crowd cheers. "What kind of improve are we doing?" You asked. "Change?" Mark suggests. The crowd shouts yes. "We weren't asking you!" Jack says. The crowd starts  laughing. "Let's do change. Who's going first?" You asked. "Mark, Ethan, you guys first" you say. "Jack what's there word if inseperation?" You asked him. He strokes his chin. "You word if insertion"

"This music is sick!" Mark snaps his fingers to an beat.


"I hate this music" Mark takes off his invisible headphones. "I have to deny that John that song is sick" Ethan says. "That's a lie" Mark points to Ethan. "You have no taste in Music John" Ethan says.


"My wife died" Ethan says. Everyone exempt Mark and Ethan laugh. "I'm sorry to hear that"


"She was a bitch anyway" Mark says trying to contain his laughter. "Your Right." Ethan looks away. "The kids hated her" Ethan says.


"The dog hated her"


"She killed my sister" Ethan says containing his laughter. "You still got your brother" Mark says. "You right".


Mark and Ethan start laughing. "Were did that all go wrong?" Mark asks. "It was suppose to be about music" he says. "It kinda was" you say.

After a few more Change

"What are we gonna do now?" Mark asks. You think for a second. "7 second Challenge?" You suggest. The crowd cheers. "7 second challenge it is" Ethan says. "Y/n you first" Jack says. You get up and stand and stand in the middle of them. "Are we just gonna make these up?" You asked. "Yep" Mark says. "K" you says. Mark thinks. "Name 3 things in your room that start with the letter 'T'. Go" Mark says.
"Uhhh, T-shirt, Table, and Technology" you say. They all think. "Ill give it you" Mark says. You sit back down on the couch. Mark get up. "An average day of Crankgameplays. Go" Jack says. Mark smirk. He pretends to get out of a bed. "Ahh my face is covered in acne. I copy other you tubers cause I can't think of original ideas. What is up my crazy boys!?" Mark walks around doing a crazy walk. "That's not my intro!" Ethan complaines.

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