Googleplier x Reader

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"No (y/n) don't go!" Google wined. He's been overheating lately. You didn't know why but god was it annoying. When ever you woke up he would be down stairs wearing only his boxers and no shirt. You did have a crush on him but it was getting old."Google come on I promosed (your friends name) that I would hang out with (her/him) today" you say.

He gives you a sad look. "Ok". He walkes up to his room and shuts the door. Honestly you didn't want to hang out with them today. Ever since you got Google they have been a jerk to you. You pull out your phone and text them.

Y is you and f is your friend

Y: hey I can't hang out today
F: I'd it because of Google?!
Y: yeah he's still over heating. I haven't figured out why though
F: god you are an idiot. Have you even realized that he's always over heating when you around!?!
Y: I'm not an idiot!
F: yeah your right your a bitch
Y: why are you such an ass!? Ever since I got Google you've been a jerk to me!!!
F: cause ever since you got him that's all you ever talked about! I'm your best friend not him!!
Y: well if you were my friend you would be jelous

You put your phone away and walk up to Google room. You lightly nock on the door. "Google can I come in?" "Sure". You open the door. You see that he has a shirt on. That's new. You walk up to him. You can tell he starts to sweat. "Google take off your shirt" he obeys command and does it.

You slightly blush at the sight of his abs. 'Why does he even have abs' you think. You look over at google and he's sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. You walk over and sit next to him.


"Have I given you admin privileges yet?"


"Why haven't I yet? I can't remember"

"You didn't want me to cause then I could kill someone if you did and I would be able to do things on my own even if you didn't ask but you didn't trust me...."

"Google. I allow admin privileges"

(Googles pov)

"Google. I allow admin privileges." My eyes widen. She really did just say that. I sit up and put my hand on the bed. I hug her and she hugs back. "Thank you" I mumble. "Your welcome. She kisses my cheek. Ok now I'm really over heating. I start to sweat even more. I let go of her. "Google?" I hear her say. I can't respond. I start to shut down. No! Not now! "Powering down" I say. As I start to power down I hear her say

"I love you, you goofball"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now