Tiny!Ipliers x Reader

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"Google stop drop kicking Bing!"

"Doc you cannot bath in a cup of coffee!"

"Yan put that toothpick down!"

You groaned and slammed your head down on the table. Ever since this morning the ipliers have turned tiny and at first you though, "this cant be so bad." Boy were you wrong. "Google put me down!" Bing yelled. You groaned and looked up. Yep Google was gonna drop kick Bing. You reached over and picked up the tiny Bing. Google groaned in annoyance. Bing looked at you and hugged your finger. "Thank you!" He said. You smiled lightly. "Just doing my job." You said.


Short but funny?

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now