Bim Trimmer x Emerald! Reader (Su Au)

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You and Bims fusion has the body of Sardonyx but the head shape, hair, and clothes look different

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You and Bims fusion has the body of Sardonyx but the head shape, hair, and clothes look different

The video is you and Bims fusion dance cause I can explain dancing. Your the first gem and Bim is the second.

Your fusion talking

Bim paced around The Temple with his hands behind his back. You where reading a magazine you found on the board walk. Mark, Will, and Yandere went out on a mission while you and Bim where out and knowing how irresponsible Will and Yan where Bim got worried. You glanced up from your magazine and looked at Bim. He looked distressed. You put done the magazine and walked up to him. He looked at you confused as you grabbed his hand. "What are you doing?" He asked and yelled as you spun him around. "Remember back during the war when we would dance after every battle we won?" You asked. He nodded. "Well let's dance." You smiled. "There's no music." "We don't need it." You grabbed his other hand and spun around with him and he just rolled your eyes. You put your hands around his neck. He looked down at you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. You leaned up and pecked him on the lips. He blushed. "We-we haven't don't this in thousands of years." He chuckled. You kissed him all around his face as he chuckled. Bim picked you up and spun you around and you both laughed. The gem on the back of your left hand and his gem on his lower neck shone as you two fused. Your four eyes opened as you looked around. You looked down at your four hands and smiled. Memories flooded your head as you let out laughter. You laid back on the floor, two of your arms wrapped around your waist and the other two above your head. You laid there in blissful silence. The moment was interrupted when the sound if the warp pad startled you. You turned around and saw Mark, Will, and Yan looking at you. You quickly unfused and you two got off the floor. "Who was that!?" Mark ran up to you both and asked. "That was Seraphinite. Me and Bims fusion." You explained to him. Mark smiled. "That's so cool!" Will and Yan walked over to you two and Will wrapped his arms around you both. "I haven't seen you two fuse since before..." Will looked down at Mark. "Well you get my point." He finished. Yan smiled and walked towards the temple door and walked into his room. "Can I meet Seraphinite?" Mark asked you and Bim. You two looked at each other.  "Why not?" Bim said. "Well we should do it out side this time." You said. Will left you three to it as you walked out side. Mark sat in the sand and you and Bim stood feet apart and being dancing.

When Bim grabs your hand and pulls you closer you two fuse. Marks eyes light up as he sees you. You stretch and groan. "Laying on that wood floor was not good for my back." You said. Mark gasped. You looked down. "Hello Mark." You smiled and bent down to look at him better. "Woah!" Mark yelled. You chuckled. "It's nice to properly meet you." You picked him up and he smiled bigger. "Aren't you just the cutest. I could just squish you." You gently squezzed him in between your hands and he let out fits of laughter. You stop and he sits on your hands. "So what do you wanna do?"


Hope thats fine

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