Darkiplier x Princess!Reader

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Part two


Planning a wedding was hard. Even though The Ipliers did most of the work you and dark still had to do some stuff. Like picking our flowers and you cake flavor (it's harder than it sounds). You also had to figure out were you were gonna have it. The worst part for you was figuring out who your maid of honor was gonna be. Darks best man was gonna be Wilford of course. You wanted to ask Amy but she's probably mad at you. But, you had to do it. She was your sister after all. So you asked Dark to teliport you to Amys castle. You walked into the Castle. Odly there were no guards there. You looked around. Everything was as you remember it. You walked up to the Throne room. You quietly opened the door. There was Amy, sitting on her throne. He head was down and it looked like she was...crying. You walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Please go away Mark" she says. "I'm not Mark" you whisper loud enough for her to hear. She looks up. He face lights up. She stands up and hugs you. "I'm so happy your home!" She cries into your shoulder."I missed you" you say. "I missed you to" you wiped away her tears. "I'm glad you finally decided to come home" she looks at you and smiles. "I'm won't be staying for long" you say. Her eyes widen. She frowns. "W-what do you mean?" She asked. You hold up your hand. She sees the ring on your ring finger. She gasps. "Your married!?" "Engaged! I'm engaged" she calms down. "Who are you engaged to?" She asks. "...Dark" you hesitantly say. She sighs. "As long as you happy" you smile and hug her again. "Thank you" you tell her. "So did you just come back to tell me your getting married?" She asked. "No. I was wondering if you would be my maid of honor?" You ask. He face lights up. "Oh course I will!" She says.

About a year later

You and Dark were married and you were currently pregnant with your first child. He were only a month pregnant so it wasn't that bad. You were sitting on a chair on the balcony. It was a nice view from there. It over looked the courtyard. That was the place that was busy so you got to watch everyone come and go. Dark was at I meeting with the others, so you were waiting for him to come back. Dark saw excited for the baby. He was glad to finally have a  family. It wasn't like the Ipliers weren't family, but he had a wife and a kid in the way. He couldn't of been happyier. You felt lips touch your cheek. You giggled. "How's my Queen doing?" He asks. "I'm doing good" you look up at him. "How's the kid?" "There fine" you tell him. "That's good to here" he pulls up a chair right next to you. You lean your head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around your shoulder. You life was amazing.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now