Love (Human! Tiny Box Tim)

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In this you and Tim are kids. Your Amys logo which for this your gonna be like Tim but human cause I cant think of anything else. Your name is Little/Tiny box Y/n.

You and Tim were laying on the couch waiting for Mark and Amy to get home from their date. You leaned over and petted Chica. She wagged her tail, telling you she was happy. You smiled a little and looked at Tim. He looked kinda tired. He sighed. "Its boring here with out Mark" he complained. After Tim said that the door opened and Chica ran to the door. You and Tim got up and ran to the door. Mark and Amy were home! You run up to Amy and hug her. Mark picks up Tim and hugs him. Chica is sitting infront of Mark wagging her tail. "Did you two have fun?" Amy asked. You both nodded. Tim yawned and Mark looked at the clock. "Its getting kinda later. You two need to get to bed" Mark said and looked at you and Tim. You, Amy, Tim, and Mark walked up to your rooms and Amy tucked you into bed. "Goodnight" she kissed your forehead. "Night Amy" you told her. She smiled, turned off the light, and left the room.

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