Darkiplier x Wilford x Reader x Google

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If your confused on what the title means it's not a dark x Wilford and Reader x Google. Basically it's that you all live together and they are like your brothers. So if in the future I do another on like this it will be like there your brothers.

You sat on the couch playing on your phone. You were cheacking youtube to see if Mark posted a new video...to your luck he did. You knew Mark since you were in high school. A few months ago he introduced you to 3 of his personas. There names were Dark, Wilford warfstache, and Google. All ready know about them was a little weird but they got over it.

You heard foot steps come.down the stairs. You didn't even look back cause you all ready knew who they.

Dark and Wilford.

They sat on the couch next to you. Dark on your right and will on your left. "Good morning" they both say. "Morning". You look at there clothing. 'Well at least there wearing shirts this time' you think. Dark looks at you for a sec. "What?" "Nothing"

(I don't know if wilford can read minds so just go with it)

(This is what they look like and google will were the same clothes exept his boxers will be blue)

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(This is what they look like and google will were the same clothes exept his boxers will be blue)

Google walkes down stairs and sits at by your feet. Since there was no room on the couch he had to sit there. We need a bigger couch. You turn the tv to (that show you like). "This again!?" Wilford complained. "We watched this yesterday!!!" "And the day before that" Dark says. "About every day to be even more exact" Google says. "Well when you wake up early then you can have it" you say. The all groan in annoyance.

Time skip

You layed across there lap because earlier you decided to let google sit on the couch while you layed on them. You all were still in your pajamas. None of you were gonna get dressed.
You just layed there in your black tank top and (favorite color) shorts. They all look at you. "What?" You ask. "Were all matching to day. Black top and colored shorts....or in our case boxers" Dark says. "Wow" you say. You all just sat there. Then you started laughing and then they started laughing. "I love you guys!" You say in between you giggles.

"We love you to" they all say.


So im gonna just make this a series so when ever you see dark wilford and google just know it's like a little sequel or something to this.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now