Happy pride month!

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This is my first pride month knowing I'm Bisexual. So to all thoes people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community who are out of the closet, in the closet, or are still deciding, happy pride month. Sorry this is kinda late, but what better way 'start' of this month with my take on the Egos sexualitys.


Dark: Pansexual, Genderfluid, and isn't asexual but isn't attracted to many people sexualy

Wilford: Pansexual

Host: Demisexual

Yandereplier: Pansexual and MtF transgender

Bim Trimmer: Gay or Bisexual

Jim's: Varies

Google (all four) and Bing: Asexual

Silver Sheppard: Bisexual

Ed Edgar: Straight but supports LGBT

Dr.Iplier: Gay...all the way

King of the Squirrels: Asexual


Anti: Bi or Pan

Chase: Bi

Schneep: Graysexual (means very rare sexual attraction....I think)

Robbie: Asexual (he just wants cuddles and hugs)

Jackie: Pansexual and FtM

Marvin: Gay and mabey Genderfluid

Jameson: Bisexual

Angus: Asexual


Damien: Asexual

Celine: Bisexual

William: Pansexual

Ade: Demisexual

Ben: Straight or Demisexual

Ben: Straight or Demisexual

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If you want, comment your sexuality and an egos and knowing me I might wrote a story on it and I am planning on doing an Iplier x Lesbian!Reader soon

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If you want, comment your sexuality and an egos and knowing me I might wrote a story on it and I am planning on doing an Iplier x Lesbian!Reader soon

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now