Dating Host would include

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• Every morning and afternoon when you change his bandages you sing a song to him and he loves it

• Morning cuddles

• Holding his hand when you're out in public

• Reassuring him you could care less if he's blind or not

• Him reading you poems he wrote

• He's kinda like Monica except he only drove one person into insanity

• Chose Monica first in DDLC

• Late night snacks and watching movies

• You punched Dark once cause he was making Host uncomfortable

• Dark only fears you

• Host honestly loves the song 'Home' by Phillip Phillips

• He loves it even more when you sing it

• Out of all the songs you sing, 'Best day of my life' is the best I'm his opinion

• Sliding around in the kitchen while cooking

• Your first date was at a coffee shop

• Not a fancy one just Starbucks

• Sometimes Host deals with depression so you just make him laugh

• He may not be able so "see" you but he does know what you're doing

• Before you started dating you both spent Valentines day eating off brand chocolate and saying how much you hated relationships

•  A year or so later, here you are

• Host will occasionally write fanfic about the other egos and you help

• You came home once to Host hunced over on the floor with his hands in his hair

• His trench coat was covered in blood and he looked distressed

• He was having a really bad depression day

• You slowly walked up to him

"Host asks you to please leave."

"I'm sorry Host."

He layed his head on your chest and just cried blood as you ran your finger in his hair

"Host-Host is sorry h-he got blood o-on-"

You kissed his forehead

"No need to apologise."

•  Ol' Hosty is the kind of guy who just says, "we have food at home" when kids ask for McDonald's

• You on the other hand chant McDonald's with the kids

• His hair is normally unkept so you have to comb it for him cause he could care less

• He also doesn't shave at all cause if two reasons

1. He's blind

2. He likes to prick you with it cause it makes you laugh and he loves your laugh

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