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Being 12 and living with the Ipliers


Being adopted by Bim and Host (I ship it)

• Slowly (very slowly) warming up to the others

• Helping Bim rehearse his lines

• Once or twice falling asleep in Hosts lap while he read to you

• When you three go to the library you pick out the thickest of books

• You once saw Dark and Wilford arguing

• Will yelled, "take what you want and leave!"

• Dark then proceeded to pick up Will and walk out the door

• Their still married (I also ship them)

• Taking care if your little 'cousin' Yan is fun

• The first word they said was Yandere

• Everyone imediently knew what they were gonna grow up to be like

• One time, Host and Bim were out past curfew

• Yes, you gave them a curfew

• 11:30 sharp

• No later

• They came home at 12:56

• You were standing at the top of the stairs

• "Where have you two been?"

• They were grounded for 3 days

• Bim couldn't buy more plants

• Host couldn't read

• Worst 3 days ever

• Do you know what happens when the can't have plants and books?

• Sexy time

• It's like a dude trying to get the other pregnant

• You went and stayed with the Jim's on the other side of the house

• You've gone demon hunting with them before

•  You guys once 'stalked' Dark for an hour

•  He spared you and tried killing the Jims

• You got picked on at school

• so Host tried to beat the kid but Bim just talked with the kids parents and the principal

• So now your homeschool by the Google's

• Oliver teaches you basic skills your gonna need

• Red teaches you Math and Ela

• Green teaches you Science and Social studies

• Google teaches you Health and how to use Technology

• Even Bing teaches you...sometimes

• He just teaches you how to ride skateboards

• It's fun

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