New Guy (The Septiceyes)

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Jacks alter egos and you were all sitting on the couch doing your own thing. Chase was on his phone texting with Bingiplier. Schneep was watching tv. Marvin was practicing some magic trick. Jackiboy was reading some comic books and you were just listing to music mouthing along with the words. You were listing to cabinet battle #1 cause you loved it. Anti was no were to be seen. Which ment trouble. Soon enough Anti walked in with some new ego you never seen before. "Guys!" Everyone looks at Anti and then at the new guy. "Guys, this is Rob. The newest alter ego" Anti introduces him. "Hhiii...." Rob says and smiles. You all smile back at him. "Rob this is Schneep, Chase, Marvin, Jackiboy, and finally Y/n." Anti points to all of you as he says your name. You all get up and walk over to him. "It's nice to meet you" you tell him. "Yes, ve are alvays happy to have a new member of ze family." Schneep says. "Nice to meet you dude!" Chase says. Marvin and Jackiboy both smile at him. "Show em' the trick you showed me!" Rob nods. Everyone exempt Anti and Rob looked confused. Suddenly Rob.....takes his head off! The others back away and Chase looks like he's gonna throw up. "That's so cool!" You say. Rob smiles. "T-thankss...". The others look at you. "Your not creeped out about that!?" Jackiboy asks. You shrug. "I watched Marvin saw someone in half before. That's nothing"

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