Squip! Darkiplier x reader

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You looked at the tiny pill you held in your hand. '600 dollars for this?' you though. You shrugged and popped it into your mouth and took a swig if Mountain Dew. You set the mountain dew down and stood there. You groaned. Nothing happened. You turn and start walking to the kitchen but soon double over in pain.

"What the hell!?" You shout.

"Calibration in process"

"Please excuse some miled discomfort"


You fall to the ground and  bring your knees to your chest while your arms latch onto your head.

"Calibration complete"

"Access procedure initiated"

You slowly stand up and sight. 'that wasn't so-'

"Discomfort level may increase"

You fall back down and scream in pain.

"Accessing neural memory"

"Accessing muscle memory"

"Access procedure complete"

The pain stops and you slowly get up and come face to face with...Darkiplier?

"(Y/n) (l/n)"

"Welcome to you Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor"

He smirks,

"Your SQUIP"

You stand their in shock. "Why do you look like Darkiplier?" You asked him. "My default mode" he said. "You can also set me as,

"Wilford Warfstache" he poses.

"Googleplier" he smirks.

"Sexy Anime Male uhuhuh" he smiles. You don't move at all. "Darkiplier fine" you say with a little chuckle.

One week later
Your pov

Holy shit SQUIP was driving me crazy. Yes, I wanted to be popular but this is just over kill. Why can't I have my hands in my pockets. What is wrong with that!? "It's because you look like a coward with them in your pocket" SQUIP tells me as we look for a new shirt for me to wear. "That's cause I am a coward" I mumbled. SQUIP ignored that. "What about this shirt?" I ask. He looks at it. "No" SQUIP said without looking at it. "You didn't even look at it" you growled. "Try this on" he said and tossed you a shirt. You sighed and walked into the changing room and put it on. It showed your shoulders and barely covered your stomach. You exited and walked over to SQUIP. He smirked. "Perfects, let's go" he grabbed your hand and started to walk to the exit. "But we have to pay" "already did"


*Clears throat* I know...it's pretty bad. Their will be a part two...I just wanted to get something out cause....you know. Also for know headcannons of the egos.

Yandereplier goes by she/her pronouns and not him

• Dark and Wilford are like Yans parents

• Bim was straight

• Bing and Chase are the two your parents worn you about cause they can set water on fire

• Bim likes Matthias and Host

Googleplier x Dr.iplier

• Robbie the Zombie is very sensitive

Yandereplier x Anti

• Dark once told Wilford to put baby Yan in bed but Will tried to through him into his crib and accidently threw him out the window

Hope that's enough

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