Carnival Photos (Bingiplier)

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You and Bing were at a carnival that was in town. He won you a small (bonnie/freddy/chica/foxy) plushie and you loved it. You were sitting on a bench while Bing was playing a giant claw machine game. He was suprisingly good at them. You were looking at your phone and pulled up your camera and took a pic of him trying to win a shark plushie. You posted it to Twitter with the caption

He's suprisingly good at claw machines

You smiled and saw that Bing had successfuly won the shark and was walking toward you. He sat down by you and handed you the plush. "Thank you" you say and kissing him cheek. He blushes a little and you pit the plush inyour bag. "What you wanna do now?" Bing asked. "Im kinda hungry" you said. "Food it is" he said. You both stood up and walked hand in hand to get food.

You were sitting on a bench and you were eating a slice of pizza and Bing was eating a pretzle with cheese. As you were eating you could of swore you heard a familiar voice. You looked around and saw that there was a concert going on. You looked closer that Danny!? Holy shit it is! You finish eating quickly and luckily Bing had finished eating a little while ago. You stand up and grab him hand and run toward the are were the concert is. "Were are we going?" Bing asked. "Dannys performing at the concert!" You looked at him and said. Bing smiled. You and Dan were best friends. Bing met Danny many times before. Before you and Bing started dating Danny came over all the time to hang out with you. Sometimes, Bing would hang out with you both and,  thanks to Danny, he encourage Bing to ask you out. Danny and the rest of NSP were preforming there new cover of 'Pour Some Sugar on Me'. Luckily for you, they just started singing. "Love is like a bomb baby come on get it on. Livin like a lover with a radar phone!"  You sing. You break into song and Bing joins in. He grabs his phone and gets a picture of you singing all the lyrics. He post in to Twitter with caption

Singing her little heart out! Just so adorable

Bing smiles and puts his phone away. He looked back at you and your smiling like an idiot. He knew how much you loved NSP and he knew you ESPECIALLY loved their cover of pour some sugar on me. Dannu finished singing and you started laughing a bit. Bing wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek. You smiled and saw that Danny was heading back stage for a break. "C'mon". You lead Bing to were Danny was stading. "Hey Sexbang. Remember me?" Dan turned around and smiled. "Y/n! Good to see you again" he said. "Good to see you to" you said. Danny looked over at Bing. "Hey dude, how you been?" He asked. "Doing good" Bing replied as him and Dan did there secret handshake that they didn't let you in on. After a little bit of talking Dan had to go back oit on stage and perform another song. You all took a pic of you three together and Dan posted it to Twitter with the caption

Talked with some cool dudes in between songs. Gotta get back to the show!

You and Bing said bye and started walking toward the exit. You had a great day.


If any of you can draw please draw that you think the pictures looked like, post it and tag me in it. If you do I'll.....give you.....Host and Dr.iplier....mail em right to you.

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