Ink sans x Reader

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"Ink hurry up!!" you shout to your boyfriend as you run through the forest. Ink was the only person who understood you and your weird personality. "I'm coming" Ink shouts back to you as he walkes by your side. "What did you wanna show me?" Ink asks. You grab Inks hand and lead him to a cliff that looks out over the water. The moon was shining over that water and the light was shining just right.

"'s realy pretty" Ink says. You smile as he says that. You knew very well that Ink loves this kinda stuff. But he loved you more. Ink turnes to you and puts one arm around your waist and his hand on your cheek. "But it's not as pretty as you". He leans in and you two share a kiss.
That was years ago

You remember the time you spent with Ink. The best moments like when you to laughed at silly things he did to cheer you up. Or when you got hurt and he would help you heal. You missed him. The only thing you could think about now was when he left. You knew he had to didn't want him to.

He creates a portal with his brush. You've begged him not to leave you but he still wouldn't listen. "Ink please don't do this!!!" You beg him. He turnes to you and gives you a sad look. "I love you" He says and walkes through the portal as it closes behind him.

Your eyes start to water as the though of him leaving you. You would do anything to get him back. You fall on your bed as you start to cry.

You feel a hand touch your cheek. It feels warm and...familer. You open your eyes to see 2 eye sockets, one with a star and and a regular one. You feel the hand wipe away your tears and you realize's Ink!!!!

You wrap your arms around him and cry into his should. He rubs your back and wispers sweet things into your ear.

"It's ok I'm here now."

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now