Googleplier x Reader

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Felt like writing another Googleplier one it is....

(Googles pov)

I've been looking for (y/n) for 10 minutes and I'm starting to get annoyed. She's heavens little devil. Shes 26 goddammit she should act her age. God I can't stay mad at here though.

I've checked her room, the 3 guest rooms, two bathrooms, the basement, laundry room, backyard and the living room. She's probably hiding in the kitchen. Unless she left without telling me but she always tells me when she's leaving.

"(Y/n) were are you". I walked into the kitchen and leaned on the counter. I here giggling coming from one of the cubboards. She has to be in one of them. I look in all of them exept the last one. "Well guess she's not in here" I say.

I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. I don't think she's coming out of there till I find her. This calls for drastic measures. She loves Hamilton and I know exactly how to get her out. I inhale. "Everyone give it up for America's favorite fighting frenchman!" I say.

I looks over at the cabinet and see the door open "LAFAYETTE!" She yells. I walk over to her and crouch down and look at here. God she's cute. "Hi" she sticks here tung out and me. I kiss her forehead and she smiles. "You gonna get off the floor?" "Carry me she says and puts her arms out for me to grab her.

I sigh and pick her up. She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She nuzzles my neck. I smile. "I wove you Google" she says and kisses my cheek. "I love you to". She yawns and falls aleep in my arms. I sigh and walk her up to her bed and set her down. I cover her up in the blankets and walk to the door. "Goodnight love" I say and close the door.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now