Anti x Neko!Reader part 2

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It had been a month since you lived with Anti. You got your voice back about a week later. The first time you spoke to Anti his face lit up. He said your voice was adorable.

(Flash back)

Me and Anti were walking in the park one after noon. I got my voice back yesterday but I wanted to wait till then to talk to him. I know he can read my mind so I didn't think about it at all. "Come on, I wanna show you something." He leads me to a cliff looking out over the ocean. I smile a little and we both sit down. I shiver a bit cause its cold out. Anti wraps his are around me and I put my head on his shoulder. Knows the perfect chance to say something. "You know the stars are pretty tonight" you say. Antis eyes widen and he looks at you. You look back at him with a slight smile on your face. He smiles like a dork and hugs you. "Your voice is so adorable!" He says. You hug him back.

(End of flash back)

You were laying on the couch when Anti came and layed on you. He layed his head in between your chest. You blush a little. "Anti what's wrong?" You ask. He mumbles something you can't quite understand. You cup his cheeks and make him look at you. "Tell me again". He sighs. "Dark wants to meet you..." "well what's so bad about that?" You ask. "Well he's the reason why I have this damn shock collar on! And..." he waits a second before continuing what he was gonna say. "I don't want him taking you away from me" you smile at him. You sit up bringing him with you. You put your forehead in his. "No matter what he does he can't take me away from you" "you don't know that...Darks basically the king of flirting. When he wants something he'll do anything to get it" you giggle and kiss Antis forehead. "Stop worrying" you say. Anti smile and nods his head. "Only cause you told me to". He hugs you and your tail starts to wag.


Totally forgot they the reader was a neko during this and I'm to lazy to change it. But Yay Darks gonna vist! But Anti isn't to thrilled about it. So I need suggestions on what dark should act like and how the reader should react to meeting Dark. Cause all I would do was the reader would just be nice to him while Anti would just be snippy to him. And if you want that then just tell me.

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