Darkiplier x Reader

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You were sitting on the couch playing on your phone while Diva (Dark!Chica) layed her head on your lap. She loved you. You were way nicer to her than Dark was. She acualy listened to you and you would sneak her treats when Dark wasn't looking. She gave you kisses and when you woke up she just attacked you with them. Dark would punish her when ever he could. One time you both were playing and she accidentally bit you drawing a little blood. So Dark made her stay out side in her dog house for Three days straight in the rain. When Dark wasn't home though you would sneak her some meat and blankets so she could stay warm and when it stopped raining you would go out and play with her. You glance at her and see that she's looking up at you. "What?" You ask as if expecting an answer. She sits up and looks at you. She puts her paw on your leg as if trying to tell you something. "I don't know what that means" you tell her. She looks over at Darks office and then back at you. "Is it sometime about Dark?" He tail starts wagging. "I'll take that as a yes." She gets up and walks over to Darks office. You shrug and go back to your phone. A few seconds later you here "DAMN DOG!" Diva probably bit him. You look over at Darks office and see him carrying Diva by her collar to the back door. He opens it at sets her down out side. He growls and shuts the door. He walks over to the couch and sits by you. He picks you up and sets you on his lap. You giggle a little. "The damn dog bit me" he mumbles and nuzzles your neck. "I could tell. So how long is she staying out there?" Dark shrugs. "Till she learns her lesson." He says. You kiss his cheek. "She's just a pup. She's gonna bite" you tell him. "Well she doesn't Bite you!" He growls. "That's because I teat her like family" you boop his nose. "Don't boop my nose" you giggle. After a few minutes you here scratching on the door. Yoh look I've at the door and see Diva scratching in the door. You sigh and get up. Dark pulls you back down into his lap. "No stay!" You don't listen and get up to let her in. She walks in and jumps in you and locks your face. You giggle. She stops and sits right in front of you. "If you go give Dark kisses I'll give you a treat." You tell her. She lays down and puts her paws in your feet. "No. You gotta give Dark kisses and tell him your sorry for biting him". She gets up and walks over to Dark and licks the hand that she bit him. You Walk over to them and pat her head. You sit back down by Dark. She jumps on the couch and sits in between you and Dark. She starts licking your face while waking Dark with her tail. He growls. "Diva stop waking Dark or he's gonna throw a tantrum" I tell her. "I don't throw tantrums!!!!!" He yells. "Your throwing one right now" I smirk. He picks up Diva and sets her on the floor. He stands up and pucks you up taking you to the your shared bedroom.

The end. You can imagine what happend next. And Diva inturupted at some point.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now