Bim Trimmer x reader

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You were sitting on the swings with Bim at the park. You looked out over the sunset. It was nice and romantic. It was your one year anniversary and he wanted to take you someone were nice. You went out for a nice dinner and then a walk through the park. You smiled thinking about all the amazing times you had with Bim. Even the times when Wilford gave Bim 'Tips' in how to date. Bim looked over at you and smiled. You were to mesmerized in the about the sunset to notice Bim staring at you. He smiled. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He said. You giggled and looked at him. Your hair falling perfectly on place. "Yes, you tell me every day" you say. "Well how about how your eyes shine every time I see you?  Especially, when you talk about something you like?" "You said that on our first date" "you remember our first date?" He asks. "Of course I would. It was the day we were laying in your back yard kissing when Wilford yelled 'give her the tongue Bim!'" You both laughed. Bim grabbed your hand and stood up. "C'mon I wanna show you something" he leads you to the forest and you walk through it for about six minutes. He leads you to a small pond with a waterfall. You gasp as your eyes light up. "I know how much you love nature. So Host helped me find this place." You smile and hug him tightly. "Wanna go swimming?" You ask. "But we didn't bring bathing suits" "we don't need them" you let go of him and run over to the pond and strip down to your bra and underwear. You look back at Bim and see him blushes red. And a very deep red if I might add. You run over to one of the rocks and jump into the water. You pop out of the water. You look over at Bim and see him taking off his clothes exept his boxers. He walkes into the water getting used to it. "C'mon it's not that cold!" He dives into the water going under it. You look around but don't see him. You start to get worried. You feel two arms wrap around your waist and pull you out of the water. You gasp as Bim puts you on his shoulder. You giggle. He looks up at you, smirking. "Hey, your not allowed to make that face!" You say. He laughs and tosses you into the air. You yelp but he catches you. He chuckles. "You look sexy just wearing your bra and underwear" you cover your face with your hands. He tosses you up in the air but doesn't catch you, making you fall into the water. You pop your head out of the water looking at Bim. Bim looks at you and laughs but it soon stops as he notices something on you is missing. "What?" He points to your chest. You look down at your chest and notice that your bra is gone! You yelp and cover your chest. He chuckles "want me to look for your bra?" You nod your head yes. He looks for a bit and finds it by the shore. He swims over to you and puts it back on you. "Thanks" you say. He wraps his arms around you and smiles. "Your welcome"

"You know you look sexy with out a bra on"

"Bim Trimmer, you are not allowed to talk like that!"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now