Why wont you just listen Damion!? (Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache)

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You were sitting by Dark while him and the egos were having a meeting. You weren't really paying much attention till Dark and Will started arguing. "It wont work Wilford! We need to think of another idea!" Dark yelled. "Well why cant you have some faith in me!?" Will yelled back. "Because I know it cant work!"


You gasped and looked over at Dark. He hated being called Damion after...the incedent. He looked mortified. Dark looked down as the other egos began to mumble to them selves. Wilford put his hamd over his mouth, realizing what he had just done. Dark got up and slammed his hands on the table. "Everyone, get out" he growled. "But it just got good" Bim said. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT TRIMMER" Dark looked over at Bim and yelled. All the egos exept you and Will got up and left. Dark sat back down and put his head in his hands. You put you hand on his shoulder. Wilford sat down were Google normaly sat. "Im sorry" Will mumbled. Dark didn't respond. You sighed. Wilford looked at you and shed a few tears. He hugged you and kept mumbling "sorry" over and over. "It wasn't your fault" you whispered as your breath hitched a little. You wrapped your arms around Will. Dark wrapped his arms around you and buried his head on the top of your head. He held back the tears while you and Will let them fall. "D-do you guys remeber the night before...it all happened?" You asked them. Wilford nodded while Dark just held you tighter. "We got so crazy that night" you chuckled. "If I remeber correctly" Wilford said. "You got so drunk that night" he looked up at you. You looked at Dark. "R-remember when you threw me in the pool so I would calm down?" You looked up at Dark. He chuckled. "How could I forget?" He asked. "And then Will cheered you on and told you to throw me again" you smiled. "And he did" Will added. "H-hey Dark?" You looked up at him. He looked down at you. "Um...hows Celene?" You asked. He smiled lightly. "Shes fine" he said. You smiled and kissed Dark and Will on the cheeks.

With the other egos

They were all down the hall talking about what just happened. "Do any of you know why Wilford called Dark Damion?" Silver asked. The others didnt say anything. Host kept quiet. He knew something was up with the three of you. He was gonna figure it out no matter what.

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