Bim Trimmer x Mermaid!Reader

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This talks about Christmas so if you don't celebrate Christmas don't need to read this part.


Google had turned you human but it had some side effects. You were always thirsty, constantly sweating, and you zone out sometimes. The worst part was getting used to walking. You did love being able to do the same things the others could do. The best part was that it was close to Christmas! Bim taught you all about Christmas. You did celebrate Christmas with your family but they never did like you. They hated the human world and you loved it. Bim even showed you some Christmas songs and it was what you listened to a lot. It was fun living with the egos to. Host would show you human books and you would read them to him. Wilford would teach you how to bake and you were amazing at it surprisingly. Dark would teach you piano. And Bim would help you with anything else you needed. Bim was nice and you really did love him. So that's why he asked you to be his Girlfriend. And you of course said yes. You were laying up in Bims room playing on his phone cause you didn't have one and he like never used his. He was standing in the mirror practice lined for his game show segment. You looked over at him. He was sweating. "You ok?" You asked. He looked at you. "Oh, yeah I'm fine" he says and goes back to rehearsing. "You wanna go do something?" He looks at you and smiles. "Sure" you get out of bed and imediently fall. Luckily, Bim catches you. You chuckle. "Thanks" "no problem" you stand up straight and you both walk to the front door. "Were are we going?" He asked. You shrug. "You decide" he smiles. He grabs your hand and leads you somewhere.


"Close your eyes" he tells you. You close your eyes. He leads you somewhere. "Open your eyes" you open your eyes. You see a giant pond surrounded by different flowers of all colors. You eyes light up. "This is beautiful!" You look at him. He smiles. "I'm glad you like it" he says. "Wanna go swimming?" You ask. "You Remember what Google told you?" He asks. You whine. "To not go in water for a month or the stuff will ware off" you say. "Yep" you glare up at him. "What?" He asks. "You brought me to a pond and I can't go in it!" You say. He chuckles. "You a jerk" you lightly punch his arm. "I love you" "I love you to"

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