Scrapbook part 2 (Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache)

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"Damion!" You called for your friend. He turned and looked at you. You ran up to him. "Close your eyes!" You told him. He smiled and closed his eyes. You put a flower crown on his head. "Open" . He opened his eyes and saw you smiling like an idiot. He put his hand on top of his head and felt the flower crown. He smiled. "Thank you" . He hugged you. You smiled and happily hugged back.

Dark opened his eyes and realized he zoned out. He put his hand up to his eyes and wiped away the tears. He loved that day. He wished the flower crown hadn't died. He wished...he had the old you back. The you that thought positive no matter what the situation. The you that wasn't afraid to take on they challenges. He still had you though and he was happy about that. But...the day Mark died, most of you went away...and it didn't come back.


You layed on the ground with William, juste watching the sunset. You two hadn't said a word two each other. You didn't need to. You could practicly communicate without words. You looked at him and smiled. He looked at you....and smiled.

Wilford hadn't noticed the person trying to get his attention. "Mr. Warfstache!" The person said. "Y-yes!" Will stuttered and looked at the person. "Your on in five" the person told him and walked away. He nodded and looked back into the mirror....that memory. One of the few pleasant memorys he has from back then. He chuckled.


"I like this one" you said and held up a navy blue dress that went past your knees. "You would look much better in this one" Celene told you. She showed you a black dress that was about the same lenght. "You would totally look better in it than me" you smiled. "Well mabey I'll just buy it" she said. You smiled and giggled a little. "You should"

You wiped away tears from your eyes. Celene was your best friend. When your around Dark though...sometimes it feels like she's there. 'Thats impossible' you always thought. You get up and look through your closet. You still have the navy blue dress you bought with Celene. You smiled and put it on. It fit perfect. Like no time had past since you last worn it. You sat on your bed and smiled.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now