Error sans x Reader

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Listen to the song if you want

You sit on your couch while your boyfriend Error lays his head on your lap. You've been dating for a year and a half and they were the best year and a half ever. Error introduced you to his brothers Fresh and Geno and you showed him how to knit. Error even let you play with his puppets. Well you only got to play with them for a few minutes but still.

You here light snores come from Error. That's when you realize he fell asleep at his favorite part of the movie. You thought you should wake him up but decided not to. I mean it's his fault he fell asleep so.

(Time skip)

You stayed up for the hole movie unlike someone. At the end you decided to wake up your lazy boyfriend. You poke his face and his eye sockets open."morning sleepy head". "When did I fall asleep?" He askes."At your favorite part, I was gonna wake you up but you looked so cute I couldn't." Error sits up and gives you a death glare and pins you to the couch. "E-Error what are y-you doing?" You ask. "Well naughty girls get punished don't they~?" You never seen this side of Error before. kinda liked it.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now