Bingiplier x Reader

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You were laying on your room reading. Then Wilford interrupted you. "(Y/N)!!!" He says. "What" you say not looking away from your book. "Google wants you" "why?" You looks at him. He shrugs. You sigh. You put your book mark in your book and set it on your night stand.

You walk to the stairs and sit on the railing and slide down. When you get to the bottom you hoped off and walk into the kitchen. You see Google sitting at the table. You walk up to him. "Wilf said you wanted me" you say and sit down next to him. He sighs.

"I'm worried about Bing"

"You know, I get that Bing has been distant lately but coming from the just shocks me"

"Why does that shock you?"

"Cause, I get you and Bing used to be friends but you rarely talk to him anymore. If any of you would be worried about Bing it would be Oliver."

"Oliver is worried about him but...I need you to go talk to him"

"Why me?"

"Cause he trust you and you know him better that all of us."

"Ok. But only cause Oliver's worried to" as you walk away you see Google has a light smile on his face. You walk upstairs to Bings room and knock on the door. "'s (y/n)...can I come in?" It takes a few seconds but you here a light "yes".

You slowly open the door and see him laying on his the Dark...wrapped in a blanket. "Bing, are you ok?" You ask. "I'm fine. Theres no need to worry about me" "...your lying...I know you better than that Bing" you walk over to him and lay next to him.

You notice the tears on his face. "Bing...please tell me what's wrong." He sighs. "Wilfords been picking on me about my not like everyone else's" "I thought you told me only I've seen them!" You wrap your arms around his neck. He puts his chin on your head.

"If your sad you could just tell me. I could deal with the problem and you wouldn't have to care about it anymore. I love you Bing..." He chuckles as more tears fall from his eyes. "I- I love you to!" He puts his forehead on your and kisses you on the lips. It was an amazing kiss. You both pull away.

You take off his shades and look into his glowing yellow eyes. The eyes you fell in love with.

They look like this

They look like this

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"Will...will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. You smile and nod your head yes. His smile becomes wide and he wipes the tears away. You yawn and lay your head on his chest. The next thing you fell asleep. The last thing you heard was.

"G'night Baby"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now