Wilford Warfstache x Mermaid!Reader

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Wilford sat on top of a rock that was a ways out into the ocean. Unlike Mark, Wilford had grown to love the ocean for a two reasons. It was calm (sometimes) and a nice place to relax and his girlfriend lived in the ocean. Yeah, girlfriend. She's a mermaid and in Wilfords eyes the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. He came down here everyday just to see you and luckily for him the mansion was right on the beach so he could go make a sand castle while waiting for you. But today, he didn't wanna build one. He was just so excited to see you again even though he had seen you the previous day. He just sat in his bright pink trunks waiting for you to arrive. He looked out in the distance and saw something swimming toward him. As it got closer the figure turned out to be you! His eyes lit up and he quickly jumped into the water to greet you. He surfaced right as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I misses you." You said with a smile. He wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled you close. "I missed you to my little gumdrop!" He kisses you all over your face and you giggle. He pulls back and looks at you. "You taste like salt water." He says while staring you dead in the eye. "I just surfaced from swimming in the ocean. It's not marine biology to figure that out." You say. Will chuckles and kisses you on the lips. You happily kiss back before he pulls away. "I have so much to tell you!" He says.


After a bit of you both telling eachother what happened while you didn't see each other you both decided to play a game. You both decided on playing 5 things. After singing the song, you turned to Wilford and said,

"5 things you wouldn't say to someone on a first date"

He thinks for a second

"I'm gay"


"I've sucked a dick"



You hold in your laughter


"I fucked your mom"


"Your sister is hot!"

You both song the song

He turns to you and says,

"5 things you would do it you had legs"



"Kick things"

"Two" He says and looks at you weirdly.

"Um...s...suck a dick"

He looks at you. "You can do that without legs" he says.

"Don't judge me!"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now