Giant!Anti x Tiny!Reader

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Anti was kinda scary. He was much taller than you and killed people for fun. He joked about eating you once! You were very scared then. You were laying in your little bed he made for you. You pull up the green blanket up to your chin and turn on your other side. You feel uneasy. Like someone is watching you. Your eyes flutter open and your greeted with a giant eye. You fall out of your bed onto the table. "Your awake!" Anti picks you up and rubs your tiny cheek onto his much lager one. You grown. "Anti please put me down. I'm still very tired." You tell him. "It's to late! Tour awake now and I want someone to play with" he smiles and walks out of the room and into the living room. "I don't really wanna play with your bloody knife" you tell him. Usually when you both play it always he shows you his new knifes or puts one extremely close to your face. It was terrafying! Just imagine a knife an inch away from your face! It's not very pleasant. He puts you onto of his head. He loved putting you there so you could nap. He also loved it when you furiously waved your arms back and forth on his head so you could pet him. Whenever you did that he would always purr and you loved it. It was the only time your ears didn't hurt when you were around him. "Fine. If you don't wanna play the just lay up there and sleep" he tells you. Anti was always one to force you to play with him. But when he did force you to play with him for a few days he would let you sleep as much as you needed. You curl up in his hair and get warm and comfy. A few seconds fall asleep.


You woke up to a loud scream. You sit up and peak your head put of Antis hair. You see someone running from him while he has a big knife in his hands. "Anti! You just had to wake me up I was sleeping so peacefully till you woke me up!!" your arms rub back and forth on his hair. He stops running and starts purring. You just noticed that you were petting him. "Sorry Kitten" he tells you. Anti only apologized when you did this. It was nice knowing he didn't just have a loud and ruff side.

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