New Years Party (The ipliers)

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A mix of drunken laughter and jokes could be heard all around the iplier mansion. Bim was drunkenly cuddling with The Host, Dark was being annoyed by Will, and most of the others were drunk and having a good time. You were sitting on the couch and having a nice chat with Google. You, him, and the three other Google's were the only ones not drunk and even though Bing was an android, like Google, he was some weird for of drunk. You smiled thinking about all the weird stuff that happened this year.

Like the day of Dark and Wilfords anniversary:

You were in the kitchen finishing up frosting the cake you made for Dark and Will. Since it was their anniversary you though you should do something nice for them. So, since you got mad baking skills you decided to take a cake. Soon after, Dark and Will came down stairs. You smiled and walked over to the with the cake. They looked at the cake that said,

Happy anniversary, keep it down tonight. The walls are thin

They looked at you weirdly and you just smiled

You giggled a little. That was a good day. You looked over at Dark and Will. They were drinkingly flirting with each other. You looked at the time on your phone. "Guys it's almost midnight!" You said. They all looked at the TV. The count down started.


"Happy New Year!"


Happy New year everyone. I hope your 2018 is just as good as your 2017!

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now