Dr.iplier x Reader

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This is based off that comic the artist-in-space on tumblr

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This is based off that comic the artist-in-space on tumblr. They are amazing at art and if you have tumblr you should follow them.

"You are positive in diabetes, and I took into consideration to check the scans and it seems like you have lung cancer. I'm sorry your dying, you only have a year or so left". You overhear your best friend, and long time crush, Dr.iplier say to a patient of his. You tilt your head on confusion. "My husband is healthy and does not have problems in breathing whatsoever." The woman says. She has a tone of anger in her voice. "We were hear to see if I had diabetes or not. And lung cancer? How do you know that I even have lug cancer? You are not the type of doctor!" The man says. You just stand there. "Look I'm trying to help you!" Doc says. He's getting a little annoyed with them but is trying to keep his cool. "How dare you joke of something like that, Doctor? Thank you for your service. Let's leave." She says the last part to her husband. "Excuse me? I'm dying?" Her and her husband turn around hand in hand and walk away. You walk up to Doc. "...they didn't listen again. Why do they never listen?" He says frustrated. "Hey, there people. People...don't want to belive they're going to die in a short time, you know that". "Yeah". You wrap your arms around his neck and lean your head on his sholder. You blush a bit being this close to him. "Come one, Doc. You did you job, you tried to save them by telling them the bad news early. There future actions are on them. Me and Bim were gonna watch some of the game shows he hosted. Him and the contestants were plenty funny" you say with a smile on your face. He smiles and looks down at you. "Sure" he says.

"I'd like that"

Tell me if you want a part two and sorry it was kinds short. Plus I'm sorry if you or some one you know has lung cancer or diabetes and you took offence to that. In no way was this meant to be offensive.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now