We gotta tell them (Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache)

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You and the egos were in the backyard carving pumpkinks. When you left the movie theater you decided to get pumpkins so you could all carve them. Oliver and Bing were both curious on how to carve pumpkins but soon thought scooping out the guts was fun. Even Dark decided to carve one just for the heck of it. As you all carved you all told dumb storys about eachother. Like the one time Silver jumped off the roof and landed on Bim. Or when Host walked in on you while in the shower but he reminded you he was blind. But when it got silent Host randomly asked Dark if he ever did a keg stand. Dark chuckled. "No. But I had an old friend friend that could" Dark replyed. You looked at Dark. "So Y/n or Will can do a keg stand?" Dr.iplier asked. "Last time they tried they both fell" Bim told Doc. You looked at Dark with the expression of 'what are you doing?'. Dark payed no attention to you. You looked at Will and he was sweating a littĺe. You put a hand on his shoulder. "You ok?" You mumbled. "Yes" he replyed. "I'll be right back" you told them and got up and walked to your room. You looked under your bed. Its not there. WERE DID IT GO!? Some one took your scrapbook! You run down staires and go to the back yard. "Dark, Will can I talk to you?" They nodded and got up. You three walked into the living room. "Someone took my scrapbook" you said. Wilfords eyes widen. "Do you know who took it?" Will asked. You shook your head no. "Well it had to be one of the others" Dark said.

Out side Host was showing the others what was in your scrapbook. "How could they hide this from us?" Dr.iplier asked. "But that still doesn't explain why Will called Dark Damion" Bim said. "Are we gonna tell them we know abput this?" Google asked. They all looked at each other and nodded. They all got up and walked inside and saw you, Dark, and Will whispering. "We know whats going on" Google said. You three looked at them. "I have no clue what your talking about" you lied. You knew what they were talking about. Will looked at you and frowned. Dark sighed. "We have to tell them. There's no point in hiding it anymore" Dark said. "I'll tell them. I know Will gets emotional and you dont like talking about it." You told Dark. He nodded and him and Will went to his office. You looked at the others. "Who took my scrapbook?" You asked. Host took it out of his trench coat pocked and handed it to you. "Go sit on the couch. This is gonna be a long story" you told them.

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